Subterranean Warfare
Current Event Presentation
The Need
Military Times notes that subterranean Warfare is the most primitive and close combat a fighter may face
"You think you’ve been in a dark environment? Wait until you get into a deep underground facility and the power’s cut. That is scary."
- A Former Special Operations Soldier
Threat to the U.S.
“From a mere tool of war, underground warfare has evolved into a global security threat of concern to all states"
Underground terrain effectively accomplishes the feat of reducing, balancing, and even negating the U.S. military's otherwise technological superiority.
Russia, China, North Korea and Iran have all boasted that they have complex facilities with:
- Reinforced command and control
- Ability to deploy thousands of troops, tanks, and missiles
- The ability to launch planes from underground runways
The Reality of the Modern Battlefield
Putting $572 million into this training effort which equipped 26 out of 31 active combat brigades to fight in large scale subterranean facilities that exist beneath dense urban areas around the world
- Effectively navigate
- Communicate
- Breach heavy obstacles
- Attack enemy forces in underground mazes
- Operate in conditions such as complete darkness
- Bad air supply
- Lack of coverage
- Operate in areas where communications may fail
Going Forward
Recently published a new training manual dedicated to underground combat after reviewing the outdated approach
Tactics and procedures had previously been covered in FM 90-10-1 “An Infantryman’s Guide to Combat in Built-up Areas” -1993
The Mission for taking care of underground enemy military complexes had been previously allotted to tier-one special operation units such as the Army Delta Force, the 75th Ranger Regiment, and the Navy’s SEAL Team 6
$572 million approved to be dedicated toward the effort of preparation
Roughly about $22 million for each Brigade Combat Team
- MPU-5 Smart Radio – approx. ($10,000 each)
- Protective masks with self-contained breathing apparatus ($13,000 each)
- Weapon suppressors to cut down on amplified noise in confined space ($700 each)
- Hand-Carried ballistic shields (at least 2 per squad) ($1,500 each)
- ENVG B’s ($15,000)
- Thermal camera
- Infrared image intensifier (similar to the PVS-14)
- Dual-tubed binocular
- Greater depth perception
How will this training be implemented?
Normally, army combat units train in mock-up towns known as MOUNT sites which have sewers that deal with rain water but they are too small to use for realistic training
Half-dozen locations feature subterranean networks
Units will build specially designed subterranean trainers rather than sending infrastructure to the locations
Pentagon has put a new focus to prepare to fight peer militaries like those mentioned previously such as Russia, North Korea, and China
Estimated 10,000 large scale underground military facilities worldwide
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Upwards of around 4,800 of those noted facilities belong to North Korea