Cristina Gonzalez Yepes
Participative Leadership Empowerment
"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way"
– John C. Maxwell
What is participative leadership?
Participative Leadership?
- is the hability to influence and guide other people
- helping followers to achieve goals
- encouraging and supporting employees into making important decisions
What makes a great leader?
A Great Leader
- motivation
- empathy
- creativity
- perseverance in the face of failure
- openness to change
Theories of participstive leadership
Democratic Leadership
- Every team member participates on decision making
- Every idea is taken into consideration
- Employees feel important
MasterClass. (2021, December 8). Participative leadership: 4 types of participative leadership.
Autocratic Leadership
Autocratic Leadership
- the opinions of employees are not considered
- the roders come from the top and must be followed
- employee's opinions are not important
- one person holds all of the power and is in charge
MasterClass. (2021, December 8). Participative leadership: 4 types of participative leadership.
Collective leadership
- joint-decision-making
- the entire team is equally responsible for the process and outcome
- requires trust, shared power, transparent and effective communication.
Collective leadership
Shonk, K. (2022, June 27). What Is Collective Leadership? PON - Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School.
Consensus decision-making
- gives employees the ultimate ability to determine the outcome of a decision
- team leader guides the process and might act as a facilitator
MasterClass. (2021, December 8). Participative leadership: 4 types of participative leadership.
Case Study
- "Investigating the Mediation Role of Respect for Employees on the Relationship between Participative Leadership and Job Satisfaction"
- In order to achieve a goal, the path-goal model specifies the leader's style or behavior that is best suited to the employee and workplace
- The goal is to increase the employees’ motivation, empowerment, and satisfaction, so they become productive members of the organization.
- The reaserch showed that participative leadership was significantly related with job satisfaction.
Ghaffari, S., Burgoyne, J., Mad Shah, I., Nazri, M., & Salah Aziz, J. S. (2017). Investigating the mediation role of respect for employees on the relationship between participative leadership and job satisfaction: A case study at University Teknologi Malaysia. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 11, 1-13.
- The Staff makes all decisions.
- Appropriate decision participation procedures are essential to reducing discrepancies between management's perspective on participation and subordinates' interpretation of the system. In this type of management
- The staff learns to trust and support the leaders when they communicate the level of influence they will have.
Callahan, C. B., & Wall, L. L. (1987). Participative management: A contingency approach. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 17(9), 9-15.
- By raising the motivation level of employees, the psychological empowerment perspective eliminates employees' internal feelings of disempowerment.
- To lead people is also to empower them to achieve a set goal
Wang, Q., Hou, H., & Li, Z. (2022). Participative Leadership: a Literature Review and Prospects for Future Research. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
- Slow process
- Profit can be a loss
- Not every employee has the same level of knowledge
- Social preassure may affect decision making
- Not well fited for huge companies (smaller teams)
- Employees feel heard and valued
- Develops a sense of belonging to the company
- Employees have independence over their work
- Creates unity through team-building