Timeline of Typical Behaviors
1. Age 5- Investigate everything
2. Age 6- Obsessed by rules; "tattle tales"
3. Age 7- Care what others think of them
Developmental Assets:
1. FACT: Investigates everything
- Creative activities constructive use of time (external asset)
- Learning engagement commitment to learning (internal asset)
- Positive view of personal future positive identity (internal asset)
2. FACT: Obsessed by rules
- School boundaries boundaries and expectations (external asset)
- Positive family communication support (external asset)
3. FACT: Care about what others think
- High expectations boundaries and expectations (external asset)
- Self-esteem positive identity (internal asset)
- Sense of purpose positive identity (internal asset)
1. Age 8- Believes all rules are black/white.
2. Age 9- Friends are more important than mom.
3. Age 10- Demands that friends keep secrets.
1. FACT: Believes all rules are black/white
- School boundaries Boundaries and expectations (external asset)
- Resistance skills Social Competencies (internal asset)
2. FACT: Friends are more important than mom
- Positive peer influence Boundaries and expectations (external asset)
- Interpersonal Competence Social Competencies (internal asset)
3. FACT: Demands friends keep promises
- Responsibility Positive values (internal asset)
- Honesty Positive values (internal asset)
1. Age 11- Develop strong friendships.
2. Age 12- Guidance from parents, but not lecturing.
3. Age 13- Embarrassed to be seen in public with parent.
1. FACT: Develop strong friendships
- Cultural/interpersonal competence Social competencies (internal asset)
- Positive peer influence Boundaries and expectations (external asset)
2. FACT: Guidance from parents, but not lecture
- Positive family communication Support (external asset)
- Community values youth Empowerment (external asset)
3. FACT: Embarrassed to be seen in public with parent
- Self-esteem Positive identity (internal asset)
1. Older teenagers are less influenced by peer pressure.
2. Teenagers tend to shortchange sleep.
3. Teenagers are able to understand other points of views.
1. FACT: Older teenagers are less influenced by peer pressure.
- Resistance skills Social competencies (internal asset)
- Restraint Positive values (external asset)
- Family support Support (external asset)
2. FACT: Teenagers tend to shortchange sleep.
- Planning and decision making Social competencies (internal asset)
- Youth programs Constructive use of time (external asset)
3. FACT: Teenagers are able to understand other points of views.
- Cultural competence Social competencies (internal asset)
- Integrity Positive values (internal asset)