"Lieftinck Lecture May 2014" by medievalfragments is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
"Tapestry of the lady and the unicorn" by genibee is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
Transformation of Modern Europe
"pa04_01" by rkklfb is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
First session
"Steam Engine 967 at ILBIL-1=" by Sheba_Also 45,000 photos is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Transformation of Modern Europe
Introduction to the Studium lndividuale
- ‘Modern’ Europe emerged out of the Middle Ages over the last 300 to 400 years.
- How did these changes come about?
- Which ideals inspired or drove the changes?
- Who had a role in forming the new modes of social organization?
- Which stories do scholars and common knowledge tell about both the benefits of these social transformations and about the new problems they generate?
- introduction
- modern freedom?
- medieval v. modern
- three transformations
- cultural transformation
- economic transformation
- political transformation
- beyond Europe
- reading
- discussion
- presentation
- academic writing
- analysis
- concepts: actors, institutions, ideas
- synthesis
- ask questions
- formulate arguments
- support with evidence
- Sara Tomczuk
- Ian McManus
- Jakob Dirksen
- Volker Balli
- Adda Orbach
- Ole Krickau
- Paul Wallenhorst
Taylor and Manent Discussion
Pierre Manent
- What does Manent mean by calling science and liberty ‘authorities’?
- What kinds of conflict do these two authorities create when combined?
Charles Taylor
- What are Taylor’s three malaises?
- Who are the ‘boosters’ and who are the ‘knockers’?
- What is Taylor’s position/ opinion?
Expectations and Responsibilities
- Classroom discussions
- Readings, videos, attention, hosting once
- 1 presentation with a partner
- 5 short assignments
- 1 essay
Transformations Sessions Plan
- Two student presentations (8 minutes each)
- Small group discussions of 'analytical' text (55 minutes)
- Forum discussion of 'canonical' text (35 minutes)
- With a partner
- Focus in on one 'actor' or 'institution' of the transformation
- Give us a snapshot of what was happening 'on the ground' during each of these broad transformations.
- Online sign up sheet of topics will be available starting tomorrow.
Small group discussions
- Same groups every week
- Everyone prepares to discuss the analytical text
- One student each week prepares to 'host' the discussion (instructions on myStudy)
- You'll be assigned a week to host, feel free to swap with others in your small group
Canonical text discussion
- Discussed in the forum
- Consider the ideas presented in the context of the transformation
- Which side or aspect of the transformation does the text support?
- What insight does this thinker provide?
- Prepare by watching videos (links on syllabus and myStudy)
Written Work
- 5 short assignments, roughly one per month
- Scaffold academic writing skills
- Feedback on all five
- Only the last three are scored for a grade
- 1 essay of 2500-3000 words
- choice of specific questions
- instructions posted in January
- Presentation 20%
- Assignments 30%
- Essay 50%