Microvascular Decompressive Surgery for Hemifacial Spasm: Nuances of Technique and Outcome
Protocol Presentation
- Hemifacial Spasm is a highy morbid movement disorder affecting muscle innervated by Facial nerve.
- HFS is a condition that may severly reduce patient's quality of life.
- HFS is a rare condition with an estimated prevalence worldwide of 7.8 per 100,000.
1-Primary HFS:
The most common cause is aberrant/ectatic blood vessels
- Vertebral artery
- Vein
2-Secondary HFS: due to following etiologies:
- Trauma
- Tumors
- Bell’s palsy
- Brainstem lesions
- Arteriovenous anomalies,
- Chiari malformation and other structural anomalies of the posterior cranial fossa
1-Detailed History & Physical Examination.
2-Electromyogram (EMG) : diagnostic finding on electrophysiological testing is lateral spread and variable synkinesis on blink reflex testing.
3- Imaging: confirming that HFS is primary in nature,
MRI with high resolution T2 sequence Combined with MR Angiography
Aim of Study:
Aim of Study
- Review the clinical outcomes.
- Assess safety , efficacy and probability of relief that MVD can accomplish.
- Review potential complications and prognostic factors for failure.
- Complex procedure requiring meticulous preoperative investigation, intraoperative facial nerve monitoring along with long term follow up.
- this study requires observation of new techniques and advancement in diagnosis and surgical management of Hemifacial spasm
Study Challanges