Circuits & Parametric Design
- Unit Test 1: Task on Demand - LEDs and PWM
I can create a circuit that mimics the behavior of a given circuit.
- MS 1D: Given a CAD tool, I can operate and identify appropriate uses of that tool.
- MS 3A: Given a problem, I can create a function-contract that performs an operation that will solve that problem.
Task on Demand 2
Assessment Expectations & Rules:
- No talking or communication of any kind. If you have a question, QUIETLY raise a hand and wait till I can come over to speak with you.
- Eyes on your own work.
- Read carefully, look carefully, do your best and remember to BREATHE.
- If you finish early, double check your code and wiring. Then wait quietly until time is called.
- Time will be called at 5 minutes before the end of the period.
Task on DemAnd 2
To start:
- All students complete individually.
- Retrieve a laptop, sit either at a workstation or along the inner row of seats.
- Log into Tinkercad, open a New Circuit and create either Circuit option 1 or 2.