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The Monkey Drug Trials

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Time: 1969

Who Was Involved?

C.R Schuster

C.R Schuster

C.R Schuster is a Psychiatrist that has done many drug and addiction related psychology experiments.



T.Thompson was a professor who did experiments on experimental addiction and behavioral pharmacology


Monkeys and Rats

This experiment involved the drug use of large groups of monkeys and rats

The Research

What Was The Experiment Researching?

The Effects of Drugs and Addiction


The point of the experiment was to test the effects of drugs such as alcohol, cocaine, codeine, and morphine. The animals would be able to inject the drugs themselves and their behaviour would be recorded. Some of the recorded effects is the monkeys ripping off their own fingers, breaking limbs, ripping off fur, and convulsions. The animals would overdose and all animals injected with cocaine and morphine died within a two week span.

Why Unethical?


This experiment was unethical as it involved animal abuse and the death of animals to achieve results. The animals would be taught how to self administer drugs and some would drive themselves to self mutilation. The experiment has also been deemed as unnecessary and was only re-evaluating studies and theories that have been proven many times before.

What If Today?

What if Today?

Why it couldn't work today?

Although animal testing is still a common practice today I think this experiment would definitely get shut down today by animal rights groups such as PETA. Animal rights groups have recently been stopping product testing on animals such as makeup brands so I believe if information on this experiment were public they would be shut down and people would call for legal consequences.





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