Set Up Your
Wealth Chart
Your simple system for achieving your passive income goals
Set Up
Wealth Chart
Start Building Passive Income with Agent Attraction
Your Wealth Chart
The simple system for making your passive income goals a reality
Download and Print Your Wealth Chart
- Download Your Wealth Chart
- Designed to be printed 24" x 36"
- Recommended to print on foam board with dry erase lamination
- Staples, FedEx Print, Office Depot, etc.
- 3" x 1" Post-it notes
- Dry Erase Markers
- Velcro Hanging Strips so you can hang it in a prominent place
Wealth Chart
Total Agents
per level
Potential Revenue per level
Hit list
Make Your Hit List
- Make a list of prospects that you will invite to a PGP, event, or watch a video who have not seen the offer
- Top 100
- Sheila Training
Working Hot
- Seen the offer - PGP, video, live event
- Get them in Expert Mentors
- Send content for consumption
- Use follow up plan from book
- Goal is 3 way call to close, or set a close/transitions date
In Process
- Submitted application
- Your hottest bucket
- Stay high touch
- Get them plugged in, Facebook groups, events, training, eXp mentors
- Go in the world - Agent onboarding
- They are live!
- Clarity Call - helping them with their business/agent attraction goals and plan - lead gen, training, events, wealth chart - set goals follow up schedule
- Get a PGP scheduled if they haven't done one yet, or get next scheduled ... about to go public script
- Facebook Live Launch
- Get them on group text and keep in the loop on events, etc.
- Celebrate successes - Facebook live, first transaction, first 30 days, first 90 days, first year, icon , first stock, first rev share
- Front Line Qualifying Agents
- Everybody qualifies their first 6 months ...
- After 6 months, to remain qualified they must at least produces $5000 in commission OR do 4 transactions (that includes leases)
- Your first 5 FLQA's unlocks your 2nd Level of revenue share ...
- 10 unlocks 3rd
- 15 unlocks 4th
- Growers who are on pace or have demonstrated that they are going to get at least 100 agents in their rev share group
- Generals go to the live events - if they are willing to get on a plane and invest in themselves, they are worth investing your time in ...
- Goals is 10 generals
- High touch
- Them doing live events, weekly lunch and learns, and PGP's
- Plugged in at highest level - all mastermind events, and company events
Unqualified FLA
- Haven't produced minimum in 6 months ...
- Either just doing attraction or not producing
- Call them and help make sure they have what they need to be successful - KV Core Set up, Making it Rain leads, events, coaching
- Set your passive income goals
- Income and Agents, for example: $375K, 469 Agents
- Use $800/agent for estimated annual income, for example if the income goal is $375,000 ÷ $800 = 469 agents
Total Agents & Potential Revenue
- Keep track of the total agents and potential revenue at each level of your rev share group
- See how much you could make or you might be leaving on the table by unlocking more level
Total Estimated Revenue
- $800 per agent is a good number to estimate total annual income
- Use this number to track your progress towards your freedom number
Freedom Numbers
- This is the annual passive income number you would need to replace your active income earned from selling homes
- Use $800 per agent, per year, to determine the total number of agents needed in your rev share group to hit your goal
- Once you hit your Freedom Numbers you can focus full-time on Agent Attraction and exponential growth
- Download and Print Your Wealth Chart
- Determine your "Freedom Number" and write it down on your Wealth Chart