Directory Stage: French Revolution
What are some of the events we seen in the first two stages of the Revolution?
- Storming of the Bastille
- March on Versailles;Louis and Marie Antoinette forced to go to Paris
- 3rd Estate forms National Assembly
- Tennis Court Oath
- Declaration of the Rights of Man
- Reign of Terror
- Led by Robespierre + Committee of Public Safety
- King Louis XVI Marie Antoinette killed
- Civil War in France
- France declares war on Austria & Prussia & England
- France feared they were going to be invaded
- Europeans fear the French Revolution would spread to their country
- Robespierre Executed
End of Reign of Terror
- After the death of Robespierre the government was reformed again
- A new Constitution was made in 1795, the third since 1789
- A 5 person Directory was set up to lead
- The dominant group became the 3rd Estate (Middle Class)
The Directory
The Directory
- The Five person directory held power for four years (1795-1799)
- Some corruption, but overall effective
- Made peace with some enemies, wars continued with others
- Rise in royalist sentiment (Those who wanted to bring back a monarchy)
Rise of Napoleon
- Directory couldn't solve many problems (financial, food)
- Rise in frustration
- Many turned to a young Napoleon Bonaparte to help them