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Language Teachers’ Identities during their training at University
Gabriela Claudino Grande (KCL/UNICAMP/UFMS)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Petrilson Alan Pinheiro
Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ben Rampton
* Positioning the research;
* Objectives and Research Questions;
* Literature Review;
* Analysis;
- Started teaching English at 16;
- Teacher educator for over 6 years at UFMS;
- Licenciatura courses in Brazil;
- Noticed how language students have struggled with their teacher role;
- Technology in language learning: contingency of pandemic times;
- Participant observation;
- Field diaries;
- Video recordings of synchronous lessons;
- Questionaires;
- Interviews;
- Google Classroom learning environment;
- Relevant artefacts (students productions mainly);
* Funded by the government;
* Middle-east of Brazil;
* 148 undergraduate courses, 28 specialization courses, 6 residencies in Health, 31 academic master degrees, 10 professional master degrees and 15 doctorate programmes (11 campuses in the state);
* 12 undergraduate courses in Languages.
Allocated in the fourth period/second year and considered a practical subject for didactics in English language teaching;
Specific Objectives
To investigate the construction of identities of undergraduate Language students and my own, while also considering new digital information and communication technologies (ICT), through ethnographic research in an educational context and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
• To analyse a series of events (10), as 'backstage activities', which culminated in my student’s artefact productions to discuss their own identities at the end of a module they took at university and during their teacher training;
• To intertwine these events with the artefact productions and their presentation, as a High Performance Event, looking for linguistic and multimodal indexicalities on their identities, particularly as language teachers, with the help of design elements;
• To describe and interrogate the use of technological artifacts used by me – teacher/researcher – and my learners, during classes for language teaching training, analysing if there is a connection between the usage of techonology and identity formation.
Research Questions
a) How are Language Teachers’ Identities (LTI) constructed during their training in an undergraduate Language course in a Federal university in Brazil?
1 - How do learners perceive their own teacher identity?
2 - Are there any signs that students who do or do not have access to technology will present affordances that point to (dis) or advantages?
3 - To what extent, and how, does this affect the construction of teacher identity?
4 - How does their self narrated linguistic trajectories have influenced their teacher identity?
b) How is my own identity constructed as a teacher educator and as a Lecturer in an undergraduate Language course in a Federal university in Brazil?
1 - How are technological artefacts used by the teacher educator?
2 - How do techonological affordances shape the construction of my own teacher educator identity and the design process for the module?
High Performance Event: "typically institutionalised events, involving conventional technologies of performance, such as stage, curtains, a sequence of scenes […] and time schedules” (COUPLAND, 2009, p. 315)
(1) Discourse identity (interactional);
(2) Situated identities (institutional);
(3) Transportable identities
- Disassembling data:
Watching/listening video-recordings and interviews and familiarisation;
Reading Questionnaire answers and field diary;
Initial coding;
Initial spreadsheet analysis for students' artefact productions and google classroom posts;
Google Classroom Interactions (written)
Students' artefact production
In relation to learning, you feel that online lessons are:
10% Inefficient
17% similar to face to face lessons
72% less efficient than face to face lessons
What aspects of language learning have been more affected during the pandemic context?
10,3% Content taught by Lectures/professors
17% Methodologies used by Lectures/professors
55% Quality of interactions with my classmates
Students's artefact production
The instructions for the activity were as follows:
You will create an artefact (in any modality - written, imagetic, multimodal, etc.) reporting your English language learning trajectory within your teacher training at UFMS, while also reflecting on how your English language education has transformed your identity as an English language teacher (current or future).
In order to help you, here's a few questions to possibily guide you throughout your reflections:
- Did you learn English at UFMS? If not, how did you learn? How? What did teacher do?
- What else have you learned during English language lessons at UFMS?
- In what ways have language lessons transformed your own practices, or even, transformed who you are and how you see the world?
- When you imagine yourself as English language teacher, how do you see yourself?
- What philosophical and practical-theoretical framework do you rely on for your teacher practices (now or hypothetically for the future)?
- Which activities and themes do you use (or will use) in your English language classes?
- What do you expect your students to learn (besides language itself)?
- How is your relationship with technologies for English language classes
Besides that (your artefact production), you should write a small written text (a page long) describing your identity as an English language teacher.Your artefact will be presented in a synchronous online lesson, with a maximum time of 10 minutes.
In case you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
Research Question a)
Analysis of a 10 events, as backstage activities, which culminated in my student’s artefact productions. Focus on transpositional/transcontextual analysis highlighting how linguistic ethnography, while also considering multimodal elements, may help us understand processes in the construction of language teacher identities.
Authors, professors and movements
In relation to language, identity and culture
Galadriel: Galadriel met three Lectures [..] they started teaching English differently from what she was used to [..] with news and discussions, and so, besides English, Galadriel learned a lot of culture related aspects of English [...] and this is how Galadriel met Angela Davis, Nelson Mandela, Bell Hooks [...]
High Performance Event - Group 1 - Min 1:08 ao min 1:30 - 02/12/20 - Thursday morning - Artefact presentation in relation to Giovana's own identity and learning trajectory at UFMS. 22 learners were online. Google Meet.
Presentation; Who am I today-here-now?
Situated identity: teacher identity will always be in construction
“I found this activity very difficult. I have [awkward laughter] a lot of difficulty with the modality. It is not explicit. I think I'm a bit close minded for these things. I would prefer, by a thousand times, writing an expanded summary than doing this work, but I think it was a process, I even have it for myself now [...] when I'm hired, working in a school, I'll try doing a little of that: addressing other skills my students may have, not just thinking about writing. This is very graphocentric. So, it was a very interesting experience for me.”
(Excerpt 1 – Dorian – his perceptions about the artefact production)
Situated and transportable identities
The in-between place: student and professor identities
““I actually understand that there is an overlap between the personal self and the teacher self. It's part of the same person and there's no way I can separate it. It’s actually more of a hybrid issue.
The post genre and Instagram, is a hybrid place [..] And then I also thought about the notion of self, [small reflective pause] because the self, from the word in English - self, is adaptable to social network. [...] If my identity is hybrid, then my artefact production should also be hybrid. So, my work has memes, it has gifs, it has written text that is much more formal, much more academic. So, it was a little bit all mixed up, precisely because I am this, I am this mixture, I am this inconstancy"
(Excerpt 2 – Dorian – Opening of the presentation about his identity reflected in the modalities used)
The presentation is narrated in the third person
Multimodality, culture and teacher identity
Movies, tv shows and music references
Meanings are bounded to both local and more global context
Galadrial's presentation during the slide on the right
"Besides these discussions, Lectures also brough English in the format of movies, songs, videos and Galadrial started feeling interested not only in English, as a communicative means, but as a manner to know the perspectives being presented, and the way Galadrial saw the world, and wanting to become a writing teacher was slowly being shaped within these discourses"
Teacher Training, Literature and identity
Galadrial's take on important books
Galadrial had contact with a number of books that has shaped exactly the teacher she wishes to become in the future. She has read literature, grammar books, and that mental blockege she once had built [in relation to English] became a doorway so that she really wanted to learn this language [...] It was precisely the kind of teacher she had that she wanted to become [...]
I started seeing the world within the walls of this college.
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