
Prezi AI.




Organising other meetings process


Westminster Wealth Management

How to use this guide

How to use this guide

Where to find the checklist


The organising other meetings checklist is located in the S drive- Compliance folder- Under Processes- Meetings- General Meeting Process Checklist.

Time, date and agenda

Setting time , date and location


The person arranging the meeting might decide that they want the meeting done in a specified time frame so might suggest to the colleague/3rd party, the date they have in mind.

They will either accept or decline this date.

When a person wants to arrange a meeting with another colleague/3rd party, they would firstly contact the colleagues/3rd party via email, phone or face to face including the agenda of the meeting, they will ask when they are free, suggesting if the person has any date in mind.

If they don't respond right away you may need to chase them via email/phone or face to face to make sure they provide a response as to whether or not they would like the meeting to go ahead.

Draft the email in the following template structure:

Dear (Name),

I would like to arrange a meeting regarding (agenda). Please let me know when you would be free for this meeting to take place and this can be booked into the diary.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards,

(Your name)

Asking: Set a time, date and agenda (Step 1)

They will then get back to you, when they are free

If it is a colleague that works internally then you can consider sharing calendars this will mean you will select a slot they are free so more likely they will agree.

If they don't have a preferred date then refer back to your calendar to suggest a date and time and they will either accept or reject this date.

If they reject, then suggest another date until you find a date that corresponds with both your diaries until they accept.

If they accept follow on and book the meeting room.

You then need to refer back to your calendar to see if there is a slot free for that date and time- need to consider potential working hours of attendees (might not always be 9-5)

Asking: Set a time, date and agenda (Step 2)


The person arranging the meeting might decide that this is an important meeting so they want the meeting done in a specified time frame so might suggest to the colleague/ 3rd party, the date they have in mind.

When a person decides they need to arrange a meeting with another colleague/ 3rd party, they would firstly contact the colleague via email, phone or face to face telling them what the meeting is about (agenda) and that this meeting is something they have no choice on therefore have to attend.

Telling: Set a time, date and location (Step 1)

Draft the email in the following template structure:

Dear (Name),

The following meeting will have to take place regarding (agenda). The meeting will need take place on/before (date/ time frame). Please accept the following meeting so it can be diarized.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards,

(Your name)

They will accept this

If it is a colleague that works internally then you can consider sharing calendars this will mean you will select a slot they are free so more likely they will agree.

Telling: Set a time, date and location (Step 2)

You then need to refer back to your calendar to see if there is a slot free for that date and time- need to consider potential working hours of attendees (might not always be 9-5)


Setting the location


Need to check that the appropriate meeting room is free for that date/time via Gill/Reception. Book the room.

If there is no meeting room, will need to ask whether the other party will consider going out of house for the meeting. If the meeting is very urgent, outside office hours to have the meeting will need to be discussed.

Asking: Setting a location

If they don't want to go out of house and meeting rooms are fully booked, another date/time will need to be arranged until there is a meeting room available and both parties agree on the date and time.


Need to check that the appropriate meeting room is free for that date/time via Gill/Reception. Book the room.

If there is no meeting room, will need to ask whether the other party will consider going out of house for the meeting. If the meeting is very urgent, outside office hours to have the meeting will need to be discussed.

Telling: Setting a location

If they don't want to go out of house and meeting rooms are fully booked, another date/time will need to be arranged until there is a meeting room available and both parties agree on when.


Identifying and arranging appropriate preparation


Asking: Preparations for the meeting

Have a think about:

  • Meeting agenda/desired outcome
  • Meeting printouts (anything they need to bring
  • Pre-arranged follow up (is it a recurring meeting
  • Pre- arranged time to write up the meeting notes after it happens and calculate next actions/next steps.

If there are no meeting printouts or no prep the other party needs to do, leave that out of the body, however if there is prep on your behalf in terms of printing out any documents and things to read up before the meeting make sure to do that and include it as a reminder in your diary.


Have a think about:

  • Meeting agenda/desired outcome
  • Meeting printouts (anything they need to bring
  • Pre-arranged follow up (is it a recurring meeting
  • Pre- arranged time to write up the meeting notes after it happens and calculate next actions/next steps.

If there are no meeting printouts or no prep the other party needs to do, leave that out of the body, however if there is prep on your behalf in terms of printing out any documents and things to read up before the meeting make sure to do that and include it as a reminder in your diary.

Telling: Preparations for the meeting

Unanswered diary invite

Arrangements before the first week

Unanswered diary invite


Diary invites that are unanswered

Host the invite and all parties that should be present for the meeting, include the date/time and the meeting room/venue it is held at.

Send out an email to the other party including any of the "have a think about" pointers that are relevant.

For meeting requests that are unanswered, if they don't accept right away, chase them (put an appropriate timescale for this depending on when the meeting is taking place) via email/phone or face-to-face to make sure they do and then it is put into their diary and confirmed.

Wait for them to accept the invite


Diary invites that are unanswered

Host the invite and all parties that should be present for the meeting, include the date/time and the meeting room/venue it is held at.

Send out an email to the other party including any of the "have a think about" pointers that are relevant.

Wait for them to accept the invite

For meeting requests that are unanswered, if they don't accept right away, chase them (put an appropriate timescale for this depending on when the meeting is taking place) via email/phone or face-to-face to make sure they do and then it is put into their diary and confirmed.

All meeting prep scheduled

Ensuring time, date, location, agenda and accountability for preparation are all scheduled.


Meeting Checklist

To make sure that the time, date, location, agenda and preparation are all scheduled, fill out the organizing other meetings checklist located in the S drive- Compliance folder- Under Processes- Meetings- General Meeting Process Checklist.

Arrangements after meeting

Arrangement after meeting

Writing meeting notes after meeting

After the meeting takes place arrange a slot in the diary to write up the meeting notes.

Writing meeting notes after meeting

You may think about emailing the actions that have come out of this to the other parties present at the meeting or writing up your own actions from the meeting.

Follow up after meeting

If a follow up was discussed make sure this is booked into the diary.

Think about if this follow up meeting is a recurring one or a one off?

You may need to refer back to the shared calendar to see that the other person your having the follow up meeting with is free and available for this

Follow up after meeting

If the other person is not free for the follow up, decide on another date and time until they are free.

Holiday Hold Meetings

Requesting meeting arrangement in your absence

Set of instructions before meeting

Set of instructions before meeting takes place

For person left in charge (Person B)

The person left in charge will need to look over each email forwarded and take the guidance given from (Person A) to know whether the meeting needs to be arranged urgently or not.

  • The person left in charge can set up a rule, click on the following for the process on setting up a rule on inbox, where it filters the body of the email to pick out certain words, that can highlight the topic of the email so that they know whether it is high priority or not by referring to the guidance written.

For person going away (Person A)

The person going away will firstly need to appoint someone to be in charge of arranged the meetings while they are away.

A list of instructions for the people left in charge will need to be written for them to follow, for example a brief guidance on how to know which meetings need to be booked into the diary urgently and which don't.

  • This should be done by them bullet pointing a list of important topic areas so should the person get any emails highlighting anything to do with those topics; they will know what the level of priority is.
  • The person going away should label each email when it gets forwarded on to the person in charge saying whether it is urgent or can be put onto the to-do list for when their back.

Internal/external members

Internal/external members who want to arrange a meeting with person going away

For person left in charge (Person B)

When another internal/ external member wants to arrange a meeting with the person going away for when he/she returns, the person in charge would need to find out the agenda of the meeting, the date and time they would like to arrange the meeting for or roughly what time frame they would like the meeting to take place in. They will also need to find out if there is any preparations that need doing before the meeting for person going away's attention.

Draft the email in the following template structure:

Dear (Name),

I acknowledge receipt of your email, (Name of person going away) is away on holiday now until (date of return); in order for them to diarize time in their diary for the following meeting as quickly as possible, please could you include the following in your responding email:

  • Agenda of the meeting
  • Date and time you suggest/time frame meeting should be done by
  • Any preparation that need doing before the meeting takes place.

Kind Regards,

(Your name)

They will then get back to the person in charge

If it is a colleague that works internally then you can consider sharing calendars this will mean you will select a slot they are free so more likely they will agree.

If they don't have a preferred date then refer back to your calendar to suggest a date and time and they will either accept or reject this date.

If they reject, then suggest another date until you find a date that corresponds with both your diaries until they accept.

If they accept follow on and book the meeting room.

You then need to refer back to your calendar to see if there is a slot free for that date and time- need to consider 9-5 timing.

Draft the email in the following template structure:

Dear (Name),

I acknowledge receipt of your email, I can confirm that the following meeting has been put into the diary. On the return of (Name of person going away) the meeting date and time might change should the person wish to. An invite will follow soon after to finalize the meeting.

Kind Regards,

(Your name)

Refer to the guidance written by the person away to know if the meeting should be booked in urgently or not therefore selecting a date according to that.

The person in charge will need to tell the other party that it is put into the diary for that date but is not finalized since the person is away so on their return they can confirm this date, however this may be changed to another date or time if the person on their return wishes to change it.

Need to check that the appropriate meeting room is free for that date/time via Gill/Reception. Book the room.

If there is no meeting room, will need to ask whether the other party will consider going out of house for the meeting. If the meeting is very urgent, outside office hours to have the meeting will need to be discussed.

If they don't want to go out of house and meeting rooms are fully booked, another date/time will need to be arranged until there is a meeting room available and both parties agree on the date and time.

High Priority Meetings

If the guidance written from the person going away shows that the meeting should be classed as high priority, the person in charge will have to check that there is a slot free in the person going aways diary as soon after there return as circumstances allow. The following email will need to be sent to the other party to tell them that the meeting will be actioned as soon as possible.

High Priority Meetings

If the meeting is high priority, draft the email in the following template structure:

Dear Sirs,

I acknowledge receipt of your email, (Name of person going away) has asked me to send his/her apologies that he/she hasn't responded to your email. He/ she is on holiday now until (date of return) and they have asked me to diarize time on the week of the (week of return). Once they are back a confirmation email will be sent of the date and time of the meeting.

Kind Regards,

(Your name)

Meeting put on hold

If the guidance written from the person going away shows that the meeting should be put on hold, this means that the meeting is not as important and can be booked into the persons away diary whenever it arises that the meeting needs to take place. The following email will need to be sent to the other party to let them know that their email has been acknowledged.

Meetings put on hold

If the meeting can be put on hold, draft the email in the following template structure:

Dear Sirs,

I acknowledge receipt of your email, (Name of person going away) has asked me to send his/her apologies that he/she hasn't responded to your email. He/ she is on holiday now until (date of return) and they have asked me to diarize time on their return to make sure they get back to you as soon after that as circumstances allow.

Kind Regards,

(Your name)

Arrange a meeting for their return

Person going away wants to arrange a meeting for their return

The person arranging the meeting might decide that they want the meeting done in a specified time frame so might suggest to the colleague/3rd party, the date they have in mind.

They will either accept or decline this date.

When the person going away wants to arrange a meeting with another colleague/3rd party on their return back, they would firstly allocate the person in charge to contact the colleague/3rd party via email, phone or face to face including the agenda of the meeting, they will ask when they are free, suggesting if the person has any date in mind once the person going away is back.

If they don't respond right away the person in charge may need to chase them via email/phone or face-to-face to make sure they provide a response as to whether or not they would like the meeting to go ahead.

Draft the email in the following template structure:

Dear (Name),

(Name of person going away) is on holiday now until (date of return) but has asked me to diarize time on their return to arrange a meeting regarding (agenda). Please let me know when you would be free for this meeting to take place and this can be booked into the diary

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards,

(Your name)

They will then get back to the person in charge

If it is a colleague that works internally then you can consider sharing calendars this will mean you will select a slot they are free so more likely they will agree.

If they don't have a preferred date then refer back to your calendar to suggest a date and time and they will either accept or reject this date.

If they reject, then suggest another date until you find a date that corresponds with both your diaries until they accept.

If they accept follow on and book the meeting room.

You then need to refer back to your calendar to see if there is a slot free for that date and time- need to consider 9-5 timing.

The person in charge will need to tell the other party that it is put into the diary for that date but is not finalized since the person is away so on their return they can confirm this date, however this may be changed to another date or time if the person on their return wishes to change it.

Draft the email in the following template structure:

Dear (Name),

I acknowledge receipt of your email, I can confirm that the following meeting has been put into the diary. On the return of (Name of person going away) the meeting date and time might change should the person wish to. An invite will follow soon after to finalize the meeting.

Kind Regards,

(Your name)

Need to check that the appropriate meeting room is free for that date/time via Gill/Reception. Book the room.

If there is no meeting room, will need to ask whether the other party will consider going out of house for the meeting. If the meeting is very urgent, outside office hours to have the meeting will need to be discussed.

If they don't want to go out of house and meeting rooms are fully booked, another date/time will need to be arranged until there is a meeting room available and both parties agree on the date and time.

Prep for the person in charge

Preparation for the person in charge

Prep for person in charge after person returns back from holiday

Once the person returns back from their holiday, the staff member can remind them that this meeting is put into the diary and the other party is just waiting for confirmation.

  • This can be done by the person sending out an email listing all the booked meetings and pending meetings to be booked.

Prep for the person in charge to do before person who went away returns

The person in charge should make a list of all the meetings that have been booked into the diary but are yet to be confirmed by the person on their return.

Also a list of all the meetings that haven't been booked into the diary but where an email has been sent saying the person going away will get back to them on their return.

  • High priority meeting
  • Meetings put on hold

Person who went away returns back

On their return, they will need to send a confirmation email, finalizing the meeting date, time and location.

Person who went away return back

Draft the confirmation email in the following template structure:

Dear (Name),

Thank you for patiently waiting for my return, I can now confirm the meeting of the (date), at (time), being held at (location.

Please accept my invite, which will be sent to you shortly.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards,

(Your name)

You need to make any preparations for the meeting.

Decide where you want the meeting to take place, and if it requires you to book the venue make sure it matches with the date and time agreed.

Have a think about:

  • Meeting agenda/desired outcome
  • Meeting printouts (anything they need to bring)
  • Pre-arranged follow up (is it a recurring meeting
  • Pre- arranged time to write up the meeting notes after it happens and calculate next actions/next steps.

If there are no meeting printouts or no prep the other party needs to do, leave that out of the body, however if there is prep on your behalf in terms of printing out any documents and things to read up before the meeting make sure to do that and include it as a reminder in your diary.

If they don't accept right away, chase them via email/phone or face-to-face to make sure they do and then it is put into their diary and confirmed.

Host the invite and add all parties that should be present for the meeting, include the date/time and the meeting room/venue it is held at.

Send out an email to the other party including any of the "have a think about" pointers that are relevant.

Wait for them to accept the invite.

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