Az Ön új prezentációs asszisztense.
Minden eddiginél gyorsabban finomíthatja, fejlesztheti és szabhatja testre tartalmait, találhat releváns képeket, illetve szerkesztheti vizuális elemeit.
Népszerű keresések
A starting screen to design the game
A person who creates images and graphics used in a game
An exact copy of an object but its propertied are not linked to the origanal
All things that are able to be toggled but not animated. Including things like chests.
A animatible object like the player's avatar, a truck, or an animal
Movment of an object
A series of images, frames, with a slight differences that are played in a sequence to make the illusion of movement
A repeating of an animation or sound when it reaches the end
Matching the footsteps to the translation motion of the object
Objects that are not animated are static objects
A short sound file
Allows a player or user to connect to the interface of a game
Input Inteface
Allows a user to give info to a computer