
Prezi AI.

Az Ön új prezentációs asszisztense.

Minden eddiginél gyorsabban finomíthatja, fejlesztheti és szabhatja testre tartalmait, találhat releváns képeket, illetve szerkesztheti vizuális elemeit.


Game Designer


A person who makes and designs games we play.


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A starting screen to design the game


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When a player moves from one frame to another.


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A person who creates images and graphics used in a game

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An exact copy of an object

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An exact copy of an object but its propertied are not linked to the origanal


A characeter or npc in a game

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All things that are able to be toggled but not animated. Including things like chests.

Active Object

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A animatible object like the player's avatar, a truck, or an animal

Background Object

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An object that can only be seen not interacted with

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Movment of an object

Animation Set

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A series of images, frames, with a slight differences that are played in a sequence to make the illusion of movement


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A repeating of an animation or sound when it reaches the end


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Matching the footsteps to the translation motion of the object

Static Object

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Objects that are not animated are static objects


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A long sound file


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A short sound file

User Interface

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Allows a player or user to connect to the interface of a game

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Input Inteface

Allows a user to give info to a computer

Output Inteface

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Allows the computer to give you infomation

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A video screen senses pressure or electrical resistance to activate commands

Touch Screen


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Uses an Accelerometer to sense how quickly you move the device and at what angle


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The smallest picture element displayed on a video screen

If/Then Logic Statement

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A command that is if something happens to blank then blank will explode


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It is not an actual code but is similar in English and documents the programming logic

Action-Reaction Relationship

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If an action happens then a reaction will come after (I open loot box, I get loot)

Action Event

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Describes what occurs when the condition is met

Event Line

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A single action-reaction relationship for the game


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The process of inputing commands that the computer will execute


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The collection of words and symbols


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A list of computer commands


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The process of changing computer codes, scripts, and other programming into a file that can on a specific type of device


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To change code so another device can read it

Executable File

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A program that a computer can read and run

Game Engine

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A game design software

Object-oriented Programming

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Assigns programming to obejects


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The process of assigning a code to something for classification or identification

Event Editor

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Breaks down psuedocode logic statement into condition events amd action events

Condition Event

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Describes what must exist or come true

Tudjon meg többet arról, hogyan készíthet dinamikus és magával ragadó prezentációkat a Prezi segítségével