Welcome to Thompson Types!
About Us
- Creative Writing Club
- Student run and led
- First year running
- Sister club at Wredling
- Wesley!
About Us
Past Achievements
Past Achievements
- Multiple author talks
- Newspapers 2014/2015
- District wide recognition
- Literacy at the Well
- NaNoWriMo
- Club notebooks
Fiction on the Fox
Fiction on the Fox
- Creative writing celebration
- Opportunity to share your writing with the community
- Chance to hear other great writing
- 30 submissions and +100 in attendance
Cissa Barbosa
- Junior at East
- Debate Team
- I play bass clarinet and tenor saxophone
- Book Club
- Volunteer at the STPL
- National Science Honor Society
- A younger sister and a dog
- History and book lover
- Harry Potter
- Gryffindor
- Short-story afficionado
- Just finished my first novel :)
CJ Metz
- Sophomore
- LOVE Disney!
- Besides Wredling Writes/Thompson Types...
- Creative Writing Club
- Clarinet in Marching Band
- Student Council
- Science National Honors Society
- STCE Guide
- Founder of Club Disney
- Working on a scriptwriting/film club
- Gymnastics at SCGA
- Youngest of three
- Three turtles (Marlin, Thor, & Ralph)
- A lab-terrior named Midnight
- LOVE writing screenplays and long novels
Emily Aicher
- Scholastic bowler
- Math lover
- Snart
- Wing Chun
- Short story lover (it's all I can manage)
- Poetry
- Hufflepuff
Grace McGill
- With the club since 6th grade--all four years
- Ravenclaw
- Oldest of four- two brothers, a sister, and a dog
- I write a little of everything- fantasy, realistic fiction, mystery- lots of short stories
- NO POETRY! >:(
Who are YOU?
- What's your name?
- What's your grade?
- What's your favorite thing to write?
Who are YOU?
Weekly Layout
- Week One: Presentation + Writing!
- Week Two: Presentation + Writing!
- Week Three: Fun activity!
- Week Four: Free write!
Weekly Layout
Monthly Competitions
- Based on the theme of the month...
- Submit a piece that best exemplifies the theme!
- Winner gets a free Wredling Writes notebook!
Monthly Topics
October = World Building
November = Conflict & Clash
December = NaNoWriMo Party/Free-write
January = Building Characters
February = Developing Characters
March = Description
April = Poetry
May = End of year party/Free-write
Throughout the Year =
Mini Lessons on Editing!
Some Final Words...
This year is going to be great!
Join our Google Classroom!
We've got so many awesome things planned this year!
But first...
Today's Activity!
Meeting our sharing groups!!
Play a game called
Skosh Kabob!
(Say that ten times fast)
And now over to Cissa...