kangaroo life cycle
Presented by Indiana Jenkinson
- Develops in female's uterus when egg is fertilised
more about embryo
- The egg is contained in the remains of a shell
- Descends from the ovary into the uterus.
- Fertilised and quickly develops
- Pregnancy lasts for 33 days
facultative embryonic diapause
facultative embryonic diapause
mother kangaroos can (using FED):
- await good conditions
- have another embryo quickly
- cut off milk supply
- have 3 joeys at once (of different ages)
more about neonate
- Climb from near the mothers tail to her pouch.
- Navigates by smell to the mothers pouch.
- Journey can take up to 5 minutes.
- When inside the pouch, joey latches on to a teet.
more about joey
- 9 months old, joey begins to leave the pouch
- Cannot fully leave for about another 9 months
more about advanced joey
- 18 months
- Fully left the pouch
- Almost fully grown
- Nearly ready to reproduce
adult kangaroo
- Able to reproduce from 2 years old
- Live about 6 years
adult kangaroo
more about adult kangaroo
more about adult kangaroo
- 1 - 1.6 metres long
- Tail 90 -110 centimeters
- Weighs 90 - 100 kilograms
- Mates with another kangaroo
- The cycle begins again