The Way to Rainy Mountain
A Chapter Analysis
by Logan Miller
Chapter 19 Highlights
Chapter 19
Summary and Historical Context
Summary and Historical Context
the first paragraph tells of two brothers who were captured by the Utes. The chief told one brother he would set them free if he could carry the other "on his back and walk upon a row of greased buffalo heads without falling." He did this, and "the Ute chief was true to his word." There are two historical paragraphs that tell of the surrender of the Kiowa to the U.S. military: "Nearly 800 horses were killed outright; two thousand more were sold, stolen, given away." The second paragraph states that in the summer of 1879, buffalo had "become so scarce" the Kiowa people killed their ponies to survive. This is the "date of the disappearance of the buffalo from the Kiowa country."
The historical paragraph also mentions the buffalo had become so scarce that the Kiowas themselves had to kill their own ponies. The buffalo were critical to the Kiowa people not only for food but for shelter, as tipis were made of buffalo hide. In the late 19th century, the wholesale slaughter of the buffalo to make way for railroads created starvation conditions for the people who had hunted them for their survival.
Horses have mythical importance to the Kiowas—recall the storm shaped like a horse with a fish tail—and with good reason. Survival is possible because of horses. With this information in mind, the reader might grasp some degree of the loss the Kiowa people suffered after the U.S. cavalry's slaughter and theft of their horses.
- Bravery leads to great strength and integrity
- Life is all about sacrifices
- Family always comes first
- Fear results in failure