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Lakeview retirement community



About Lakeview

Lakeview retirement community is located right on Lake Ontario, offering a unique experience for residents that can’t be achieved elsewhere.


The physical layout of Lakeview is designed by experts, focusing on both convenience and comfort for residents.

  • Lakeview has elevators installed in the high traffic areas of the community for convenience, and all staircases have stair lifts for the safety of all residents.

  • Washrooms are located inside each room, allowing easy and quick access for those who may have bladder issues or trouble walking.

  • Lakeview’s “main area” features a large living room with plenty of space for residents to interact with one another, a dining hall, and an enormous activity room filled with arts and crafts items, games and many more.

  • Lakeview has a courtyard that is easy to access from the main foyer, and features a variety of different restaurants such as Tim Hortons, Starbucks, The Keg steakhouse and Cora, a chain that is popular amongst seniors and serves breakfast and lunch items.

  • Lakeview also has many amenities like a swimming pool, golf course, library and a garden.


Social needs of residents

When put into a retirement home, elders may feel like they’ve been abandoned by their family and start to feel depressed and lonely as a result. Lakeview allows families to come by and visit anytime they wish, and offers a wide range of different activities that promote social interaction with other residents such as game nights, movie nights, community field trips and many more. These activities help the residents feel welcome in the community and hopefully lead to some new friendships. Additionally, Lakeview also offers pet therapy, which has been proven to lower the risk of depression and reduce feelings of loneliness, while also calming negative behaviors associated with dementia and increasing memory stimulation.



Physical needs of residents

As the body grows older, many changes can occur that can make it harder to function in day to day life. Lakeview has many services that cater to the physical needs of residents, such as stairlifts on all staircases within the community in order to keep residents safe and prevent accidents.

At Lakeview, we know how important medication is to senior citizens. As a way to relieve stress on residents and ensure that they take their meds, we offer direct delivery of medication to their rooms.

Lakeview also offers a variety of different activities that keep residents active. Exercise is very beneficial for seniors, as it helps prevent the onset of diseases such as diabetes and also helps manage symptoms of Alzheimer's and dementia. Lakeview offers a wide variety of both outdoor and indoor activities, ranging from fishing and boating on the lake to yoga and water aerobics classes every week. Lakeview also has a golf course that is very popular amongst residents.


Business partnerships

Lakeview has partnered with many businesses in order to provide the best care and the perfect community for seniors.

Starkmans Health Care Depot

243 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON - (416) 534-8411

Provides us with the health care items needed to suit the individual needs of residents (wheelchairs, grab bars for the shower, etc)

LifeCare Mobility Solutions & Stairlifts

440 Brimley Rd #1, Scarborough, ON - (416) 267-9800)

Provides us with our stairlifts

Tim Hortons 1 (888) 601-1616

Starbucks 1 (800) 782-7282

The Keg steakhouse and bar (416)-695-2400

Cora breakfast and lunch (905) 673-2672



Knickman, J., & Snell, E. (2002, August). The 2030 problem: Caring for aging baby boomers. Retrieved July 09, 2020, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1464018/

National Institute on Ageing. (2019, May 22). Alzheimer's Disease Fact Sheet. Retrieved July 09, 2020, from https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/alzheimers-disease-fact-sheet

Sauer, A. (2019, April 26). Benefits of Pet Therapy for Seniors. Retrieved July 09, 2020, from https://www.leisurecare.com/resources/pet-therapy-benefits-for-seniors/

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