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Week 8 Session 2


Copyright by Gladys Luk 2021

  • Warm up exercise
  • Recap
  • Assignment 2
  • Unit 2 Activity 9
  • Citation and referencing
  • Academic writing
  • Proofreading practice

Warm up exercise

Warm up exercise

Pronunciation and spelling are usually related.

Spelling, to a large extent, can indicate the pronunciation.

For example:

miraculous, salute, etc

Warm up exercise

How about pronunciation?

Can we make use of pronunciation to work out the spelling?

Warm up exercise

Now let's look at the following pronunciation. Can you spell the word?

An expert in providing judgement in the field

How about this one?

A lung disease caused by silica dust

Warm up exercise



'conasewer' vs 'connoisseur'

Why do pronunciation and spelling not always match?

Warm up exercise


1. When written English was standardized, pronunciation was still changing and evolving.

2. For loan words, both the spelling and pronunciation were kept e.g. ballet, genre, etc



  • Citation and referencing
  • Patient Case Report: Symptoms
  • Reading comprehension

Assignment 2

Part 1

Assignment 2

There are two parts:

  • A speech
  • English Learning Portfolio

Assignment 2

Due date: 3 December 2021

Some points to bear in mind:


  • Submit part 1, the speech via OLE.
  • Do not send it to me via email.
  • Submit part 2, the English Learning Portfolio via google drive.
  • Make sure that you have included the cover sheet for me to put the score and comments.
  • To play safe, leave a copy in your folder in the google drive.

Assignment 2

Marking the speech:

  • If part 1 is sent to me via email or placed in the folder in the google drive without submitting it to OLE first, I will not mark it.
  • I will only mark the recordings which cannot be successfully submitted via OLE.
  • Do not include the script. I am supposed to listen to it not read it.

Assignment 2

English Learning Portfolio:

  • Do not send every document to me via email.
  • Because there will be quite a lot of them and it is time-consuming in sending, checking and replying to emails.
  • Leave all the documents e.g. self-improvement forms, evidence of your self-improvement, the self-chosen writing and the short reflection, etc in the folder created in the google drive.
  • Don't forget to send me the links.

Assignment 2 part 1

Part 1

This part includes two reports from the BBC World News. Synthesize the main ideas from the two reports in a speech lasting about FOUR minutes, using your own words, and then submit your four-minute audio file (MP3 format) via OLE online submission. Please label your audio file using your student no. (e.g. 10991234.mp3). Be reminded that failure to submit the file properly on OLE would result in zero marks for this part. So allow ample time for your OLE online submission.

combine the main ideas to form a speech

Assignment 2 Part 1

having some extremely good or special quality

You can also refer to other online materials but have to acknowledge them by saying 'According to ...'

The title of your speech is:

Bruce Lee: An extraordinary life

You have to discuss the above topic based on the materials in the video clips. Your speech should include the following ideas:

  • Evidence that Bruce Lee’s life is extraordinary
  • His contributions, especially to Chinese
  • Jeet Kune Do, the martial arts he developed

Assignment 2 part 1

The video clips ‘Bruce Lee remembered 40 years after his death’ and ‘A Bruce Lee martial arts masterclass’ can be found at the following URLs:

Assignment 2 Part 1

You are expected to paraphrase the materials from the sources when you refer to them in your speech. Direct copying of large chunks of texts will be heavily penalized.

Please refer to the marking criteria for Assignment 2 Part 1 in Appendix II

Assignment 2 Part 1

Will remind you about the English Learning Portfolio next time.

Unit 2

A matter of life and death

Unit 2

Foxconn/ Golden Gate Bridge




Activity 9

Activity 9 (P. 26) The Golden Gate Bridge

Background information:

Activity 9 (P. 26) The Golden Gate Bridge

Activity 9 (P. 26) The Golden Gate Bridge

1. In what way has the bridge romanticised as the good place to commit suicide?

The fall from that frees you from all your worries and grief, and

The waters below will cleanse your soul.

Activity 9 (P. 26) The Golden Gate Bridge

2. How did jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge kill somebody?

After a free fall of 4 to 5 seconds, the body strikes the water at about 75 miles an hour. That impacts shatters bones, some of which then puncture vital organs. Some will flail in the water and drown.

move and swing in an uncontrolled way

make a hole

Activity 9 (P. 26) The Golden Gate Bridge

3. There is a story Jason told to Kevin Briggs before committing suicide. What is the name of it?

Pandora's box

Activity 9 (P. 26) The Golden Gate Bridge

4. Do you think Jason was clear-minded when he committed suicide? Why/ Why not?

up to you

I think Jason was clear-minded as he could still tell the story of the Pandora's box and ask Kevin the question of what if there was no hope.

Activity 9 (P. 26) The Golden Gate Bridge

5. Fill in the blanks on the advice on handling suicidal cases according to Kevin Briggs.


  • Listen to understand
  • Ask appropriate confronting questions


  • Argue
  • Blame
  • Tell the person you know how they feel

Activity 9 (P. 26) The Golden Gate Bridge

6. Kevin Briggs received an email from a lady who lost her son earlier in the year. Is she supportive of Kevin's work? How do you know?

Yes. She said, 'Thanks so much for standing up for those who may be only temporarily too weak to stand for themselves.

Activity 9 (P. 26) The Golden Gate Bridge

7. Kevin Berthia, the one who committed suicide, later told Kevin, the TED talk speaker, the reason he stayed on. What is the reason?

He said, 'You listened. You let me speak, and you just listened.

Activity 9 (P. 26) The Golden Gate Bridge

8. Did Kevin Berthia live on well later on?

Yes, he has become a loving father and contributing member of society. He speaks openly about the events that day and his depression in the hopes that his story will inspire others.

Activity 9 (P. 26) The Golden Gate Bridge

9. For those who jumped off the bridge and miraculously survived, what did they think afterwards?

Most have said that the second that they let go of that rail, they knew that they had made a mistake and they wanted to live.

Citation and Referencing

Unit 5 Page 68

Citation & Referencing

Verbs of attribution & In-text citation

Verbs of attribution

Tell the readers why we select these ideas and how we view them with the use of verbs of attribution.

Please look at the examples.

Verbs of attribution: P.70

established = discovered

found = reporting results

Verbs of attribution: P. 70

both 'noted' and 'conclude' = presenting views

Verbs of attribution: P. 70

analyse: explaining

found: reporting results

argue: presenting views/arguments

Verbs of attribution: Act 4 P. 71

Some more examples of verbs of attribution

What are their functions?

Verbs of attribution: Act 4 P. 71

explain, analyse

report, find, state, demonstrate

mention, note, point out, put forward the view that, discuss, state, show, claim, argue, say, conclude, support, demonstrate

evaluate, support, indicate, recommend, suggest, propose

In-text citation

Lee: the author (subject)

2008: year of publication

Integral in-text citation

contends: v of attribution = states or argues that it is true

  • Incorporated in the text (P. 73)
  • e.g. Lee (2008) contends that 'reducing waste at source is the most effective method to solve the pullution problem' (p. 10)

page where you can find the idea in the publication

In-text citation

author not the subject

does not contain the v of attribution

present the idea

authors are listed at the end

Non-integral in-text citation

  • Not incorporated in the text (P. 73)
  • place at the end of the sentence, before the full stop
  • e.g. The discussion and research projects about leading a more sustainable and 'green' lifestyle have been well documented (Breen, 2001; Wong, Xu & Ge, 2008).

In-text citation

To sum up:

  • not a reference list
  • within the text
  • make it as simple as possible
  • so only include the surname/family name/last name of the author
  • together with the year of publication

Activity 6 Part II (P.75) Correct the mistakes

According to Butt (2002), two third of the respondents were concerned about the construction of incinerators close to their living areas.

Butt (2002) found that two third of the respondents ...

Activity 6 Part II P. 75

Not a complete sentence

Activity 6 Part II

As Lo (2001) has demonstrated, most Hong Kong people have reservations about the mandatory producer-responsibility legislations.

Lo (2001) has demonstrated that most Hong Kong people ...

Activity 6 Part II

Activity 6 Part II

In Lynne's (2007) view, growing more plants is beneficial to human health.

Lynne (2007) contends that growing more plants is ...

Preparing a reference list


APA referencing style:

  • The official style of the American Psychological Association (APA)
  • commonly use to cite sources in psychology, education, and the social sciences.


References in APA style:

  • At the end of the essay/article/report.
  • Listed the surname of the author of the book or article we have referred to or cited in alphabetical order.
  • This list is called References


If I am interested in knowing more about the information you have included, how am I going to find it?

What information do I need in order to find the source?


Do I need to know the name of the book?

Do I need to know the name of the author?

Do I need to know the year of publication?

What else do I need to know? Any suggestions?


  • Name of the book
  • Name of the author
  • Year of publication
  • Publisher
  • City + name


Name of the book

Blue, ideology, and Afro-American literature: A vernacular theory.

Name of the author

H. A. Baker


Year of publication

Publisher: city & name


University of Chicago Press




Other things to bear in mind.

1. Sources are listed alphabetically, by the

authors' last name/ surname/ family name.

2. References should start at the left margin.

3. Second and subsequent lines should be

indented with 5 spaces.


Unit 5 P.77


References: Practice

  • Author
  • Year
  • Title of book
  • Publication information
  • City: Publisher


References: Practice

  • Author
  • Year
  • Title of book
  • Publication information
  • City: Publisher


References: Practice

Arrange the order

Doyle; Fleer; Johnson, M.; Johnson V.; Lilienfeld; Samson

Academic writing

Academic Writing



What is Academic Writing?

Academic writing = Formal writing


  • clearer and more precise
  • supported by facts and statistics
  • contains complex sentence structures

What is Academic Writing?

What is more?

  • No slang or colloquial language
  • No contracted (short) forms
  • Different in terms of choice of words and grammar
  • The way of organizing the ideas
  • Most importantly, with citation and referencing

What is Academic Writing?


family and friends


serious thought


complex sentences showing considerable variety in construction

mostly simple and compound sentences joined by conjunctions such as 'and' or 'but'

less likely to be clear and as organised

clear and well planned

may not always use complete sentences

likely to be error free

use of short forms, idioms and slang

Technical and academic language used accurately

Academic Word choice

Academic writing

Key Characteristics:

  • More objective
  • More complex
  • Has a more formal structure
  • More referencing

Academic writing

More reliable, more trustworthy

In terms of grammar and structure

More objective

More complex

Has a more formal structure

More referencing

In terms of the organization

refer to citation and references to avoid plagiarism

Academic writing: more complex

In terms of formality and grammatical structures

Formality of language:

  • big differences vs most significant distinction

*Word choice to convey a high level of formality

look into the issue vs examine the issue

talk about vs discuss

come up with some possible solutions vs

suggest some possible solutions

Academic writing: more complex

More academic word choice

Try to complete the activity

1. He carried out a great deal of research into pollution.

2. She obtained her PhD degree in 2010.

3. One of the key factors in good academic writing is appropriate choice of words, which can help students submit really excellent assignments.

Academic writing: more complex

4. Working hard is essential for university students.

5. The cost of computers has decreased considerably in recent years.

6. Students can eliminate errors in their writing by proofreading carefully.

7. Scientists have recently discovered ways of making plastic biodegradable.

Academic writing: more complex

8. Prices of books have fluctuated wildly over the past five years.

9. In this essay, you are advised to discuss the ways in which cultural background can affect a student's approach to learning.

10. The professor wanted her students to analyse the problems before suggesting possible solutions to them.



Time allowed:

10 minutes

Proofreading practice

Assignment 2

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