Healthcare in the United Kingdom
Catherine Witte, Ashlyn Barron, Elsa Meyer, Chad Adair, Adam Wyatt, Kinsey Jordan
Healthcare in the UK
Healthcare in the United Kingdom is ran by the government through the National Health Service (NHS). NHS provides public healthcare that is available to all permanent residents, paid for by taxes. Private insurance is also an option, but is not very popular. Ranked 2nd in healthcare by one study, this sytem focuses on quality of services.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths & Weaknesses
-NHS (National Health Service) provides all types of services and care, both inpatient and outpatient
*Provides Home Nursing services and pays for those in Nursing Homes
*Free sight tests and flu vaccines to ages 60+
-Free point of access and equal access to all
-Electronic health records
-Increased taxes
-Lacks freedom of choice
-Many drugs not available under NHS
-Extensive use of public medical services causing long lines in public hospitals
Comparisons & Differences
& Differences
- Healthcare is a right, not a privilege
- Social healthcare system
- Free at point of access (paid through taxation)
- Low cost system
- Low marks for responsiveness to citizen's needs and wants
- Longer waiting times
- Has both urban and rural programs to ensure access:
*Urban: Primary Care Trusts
*Rural: The Countryside Agency
- General Practitioners act as "Gatekeepers"
- Public, private for-profit, and private non-profit hospitals
Overall &
Individual Costs
United States
United Kingdom
- 18.0% of GDP spent on healthcare $3.5 trillion
- $9942 per capita
- Public healthcare makes up 36%
- 33% hospitals, 20% physicians and clinical services, 10% drug prescriptions
- 10% of spending is out of pocket expenditures
- 9.7% of GDP spent on healthcare: $250 billion
- $3775 per capita
- Public healthcare makes up 85%
- 15% private: mostly through employers
- BUPA: largest private insurance company
- 48.6% hospitals, 24.4% ambulatory care, 10.3% medical goods, 7.9% LTC facilities
- 15.1% of spending is out of pocket expenditures
UK vs. US
Health Tax Comparison
Health care spending as part of GDP:
(USA): 17.2% vs. (UK): 9.7%
In pounds per capita, that's £2,892 on healthcare for every person in the UK and £7,617 per person in the US
Health Tax
Key Comparisons:
- In England, about 18% of a citizen's income tax goes towards healthcare (vs. about 26% in USA), which is about 4.5% of the average citizen's income. Healthcare coverage is mainly provided by the public health service and is free at the point of need, as well as paid for by general taxation
- In 2014, public spending in United States accounted for about 49 percent of total health care spending. This includes Medicare which is financed through a combination of payroll taxes, premiums, and federal general revenues. Also includes Medicaid which is tax-funded and administered by the states. Private insurance health spending accounted for 39%.
Health Stats in The U.K. vs. Health Stats in the U.S.
-Common causes of deaths are heart disease, cancer, accidents, respiratory diseases, and stroke.
-Life expectancy is 78.69
-Infant mortality is 5.87 deaths per 1,000
-67.1% survival rate due to cancer treatments.
-Common causes of death each year are cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung disease, and liver disease. Responsible for about 150,000 deaths each year.
-Life expectancy is 80.96
-Infant mortality is 3.8 deaths per 1,000
- 59% survival rate due to cancer treatments.
For the most part, this system is not for America.
- Less Freedom
- "Free" but paid for through taxation
- However, healthcare is seen as a RIGHT vs. a PRIVILEGE -> Equality for all!
Strengths and Weaknesses -
Comparisons and Differences -
Costs -
Health Tax -
Health Stats -