Holly's Guide to the 5 Region's of Georgia
Presented by Holly Moreno
Applacahian Plateau
- Major land forms: caves, canyons, and moutains.
- Soil types: limestone, shale, and sandstone.
- Places that would attract people to this region are Ruby falls and look out mountain.
- The plants mostly found here are trees like Brich and Shugar Maple.
- Two kinds of animals you would find here are raccoons and wood
Appalachian Plateau
Valley & Ridge
- Major landforms: open vallys and narrow ridges.
- Soli types: shale and sandstone on the ridge, : limestone and clay in the valley.
- People are attracted to this region for apple picking in the fall. The carpet capitol of the world is also in this region.
- Plants in this rgion are rattlesnake ferns and mist flowers.
- Animals found here are squirrels and bob cats.
Blue Ridge Mountains
- Major landforms : mountains.
- Soil types : shallow soil and sandy loam.
- The mountains attract people to Amicola Falls.
- Plants and trees found here are blueberries and pine trees.
- Animals you would find here are wild boars and coyotes.
Blue Ridge
- Major landforms : granite
- Soil types : red clay and sandy loam
- Six flags and the World of Coke are just two places that attract people to this region.
- Plants and trees like kudzu and dogwood trees grow here.
- Animals found here are deer and wild turkey.
Costal Plain
- Major landforms : farmlands, swamps, oceans, and wetlands
- Soil types : rich soil and sand.
- People are attracted to this region to see Savannah and the Barrier Islands.
- Types of plants here are spanish moss and sea oats.
- Animals here will make you BEWARE! Like alligators and snapping turtles.