WSCC Concept Map
(part 2: lessons 4-current)
Health and Academic Achievement
Health and Academic Achievement
- Academic performance: class grades, standardized tests, graduation rates
- Students cognitive skills and attitudes: attendance, drop out rates, and behavioral problems
- Students cognitive skills and attitudes:
- school health programs can help improve students academic achievement
- It is shown that skipping breakfast decreases cognitive performance
- Lack of adequate consumption of specific foods can lead to lower grades
- deficits in specific nutrients can lead to lower grades and higher rates of absenteeism and tardiness
Data as a Health Educator
Data as a Health Educator
- Important to stay up-to-date with what programs are working or not working
- grant funding: community MUST have evidence to attempt to seek grant funding (very important)
- Good source of data:
- Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)
- Conduct surveys to provide data for health programs and norming behaviors with adolescents
- Society of Public Health Education (SOPHE)
P.E. AND Health Education
P.E. and H.E.
- P.E. and H.E. are skill-based content areas of education
- P.E. primary goal: create lifelong active people
- skills taught in P.E. are meant to encourage behaviors that keep everyone moving as they age (lifelong movers)
- H.E. primary goal: create lifelong health decision-makers
- skills taught in H.E. are meant to encourage people to make the "healthy" decision
Nutrition within Schools and Students Lives
- free and reduced lunch program in schools help supply a large portion of American children with their only nutrition for the day!
- Food DIRECTLY affects your brain
- Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act: USDA's core child nutrition programs (WIC, Summer Food Service Program, etc.
- National School Lunch Program: meal program operating in public and nonprofit private schools and residential child care
- provides nutritionally balanced and low-cost or free lunches to children
Vocab for Health/H.E.
- Physically Literate: individual who possess skills necessary to engage in a variety of physical activities, engages in regular physical activity
- Health Literacy: the degree and capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions
- Stakeholder: a person who has something to gain or lose through the outcomes of a planning process, program, or project
Chronic Health Conditions (in schools)
Chronic Health Conditions
- Chronic Health Conditions prevalent to absences and academic achievement:
1. Poor Oral Health
2. Asthma
3. Food Allergies
4. Seizure Disorders
5. Diabetes
- Students in schools with a higher percentage of low-income students are more likely to miss school because of asthma
- having asthma alone does NOT CAUSE absenteeism or lower academic achievement
Social and Emotional Learning
6 tips for creating a positive learning environment (from article in Lesson 9):
1. Build Rules Collaboratively
2. Tell Students You Believe Them
3. Examine your Mindset
4. Make the Learning Benefit the Learner
5. Share Honest Feedback
6. Be Objective