A Bills Journey to Become a Law
By: Julz Carlo Bautista 9M
First Reading
First Step
- Bill is received by Senate Chamber, copies distributed
- Provides senators the chance to see the issues being addressed without debating
First reading within the Senates chamber.
Second Reading
- Debates scope of the bill
- Is not generally Amended at this stage
- If the vote passes, it is sent to a committee for further review
Second Step
Justin Trudeau, our current PM in the House of Commons
Committee Stage
Third Step
- Committee members study the bill in detail, clause for clause
- Committee members may make changes to the bill at this stage
- Adopt a report of the bill, with or without amendments
- Report is sent to House of Commons or Senate for further consideration
The committee debating and ammending a bill
Report Stage
Fourth Step
- Bill is sent to the House of Commons or Senate
- Gives the House of Commons or Senate a chance to amend the bill even further
- The amendments made are focused on while debating
- Bill is examined word-word line-line to purpose any last standing corrections
Bills are being reviewed and ammended for the third reading
Royal Assent
Fifth Step
- Bill is sent to Governor General for assent
- Bills which are given royal assent become laws
- Governor General can still deny the law (Not common)
- For it to be sent to the governor general, it has to pass both chambers
Julie Payette is the current governor general of Canada.
Committee prepares and passes the bill on to the Senate or House of Commons
Bill is sent back to the committee so it can be ammended and repeated by the Senate.
The bill is passed onto the House or Senate to debate, amend, and vote for the bill.