I chose this topic because its something that I feel could be better optimized in both highschool and college
Technology is rapidly developing and it could be better integrated into everyday student learning
My Site
Why this Theme?
My Theme
The theme I chose is called Calvin
Calvin is described as: a minimalist theme, designed for single-page websites. Its single post and page layouts have no header, navigation menus, or widgets, so the page you design in the WordPress editor is just the same page you’ll see on the front end.
Heavily cutomizable, simple, and professional aesthetic
Mission Infographic
Favorite Feature
Theme Downfalls
If i could go back i would choose a theme that is more colorful and has a more modern aesthetic
I think the theme I chose is slightly too simplistic and the monochrome blue is professional but not as engaging as I'd like
A theme that would better appeal to a younger student audience
Website follow up
Website Follow up
After this semester I will likely revamp the theme for my site and post it on my resume
Display my web design/graphic design skills
Post new research on how we can better the education system
Favorite Topics
Favorite Topics
I really enjoyed inDesign and illustrator
Making the infographic was one of my favorite activities
Gaining experience with all the Adobe platforms was very beneficial
Topic Knowledge
I learned a lot about issues with student engagement