Language Development: Birth through age 6
Birth - 12 months
Birth - 12 Months
- Recognizes tones of voice.
- Responses in facial expressions such as a smiling and crying.
- Babbles with short sounds, associates those sounds with objects or people towards 12 months.
- Using the sound MA for mom, a bottle, or anyone (Pragmatics)
12 - 24 Months
12 - 24 Months
- Vocabulary increases
- Repetitive words and sentences
- Two words arranged with syntax to get their point across.
- Words can still mean more than one thing (Pragmatics).
- Starts to be able to name objects and remember those names.
2 - 3 Years Old
- Quickly learning many new words.
- Starting to use plurals consistently.
- Better understood, articulation increases.
- Comprehension of words greatly increases into the thousands.
- Asking questions, all. the. time. (Why? and What?)
- Length of sentences increase, still in telegraphic speech.
2 - 3 Years old
3 - 4 Years Old
- Articulation increases, speech can typically be understood by strangers.
- Uses pronouns correctly.
- Uses syntax appropriately most of the time.
- Will talk to themselves during play or other events.
- Sentences typically have four or more words.
3 - 4 Years Old
4 - 5 Years Old
- Very large vocabulary.
- Can fully understand speech with minor syntax errors.
- May still have difficultly articulating certain sounds.
- Still questioning often.
4 - 5 Years Old
5 - 6 Years Old
- Describing things with colors, feelings, etc.
- By age 6 can understand around 13,000 words.
- Can offer opinions
- Increased understanding of pragmatics but can still be easily confused.
5 - 6 Years Old