William C. Bagley & Essentialism
Kevin P. Jackson
Note. Mesa y sillas de madera marron [Photograph], by Ivan Aleksic, 2020, Unsplash
(https://unsplash.com/es/fotos/PDRFeeDniCk). Unsplash License.
William Chandler Bagley
- Born 15 March 1874 in Detroit, MI
- Graduated from Michigan State Agricultural College (now Michigan State University) in 1895 and began teaching in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
- Received master's degree in psychology from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1898
- Received PhD in psychology from Cornell University in 1901
- Served as an elementary principal in St. Louis, Missourri from 1901-1902
- Served as a professor at various schools from 1902-1939
- Montana State Normal School (Dillon) 1902-1906
- Oswego Normal School (New York) 1906-1908
- University of Illinois (Champaign-Urbana) 1908-1917
- Teachers College, Columbia University (New York City) 1918-1939
- Died 1 July 1946 in New York City
Note. Central Library Building [Photograph], by Fas Khan, 2019, Unsplash
(https://unsplash.com/photos/Gqib3pGp-DM). Unsplash License.
Political Economy
Political Economy
- On the rise:
- Urbanization
- Industrialization
- On the decline:
- Rural Areas
- Agriculture
- World War I (1914-1918)
- More women working outside of the home
Note. Grayscale photography of New York City [Photograph], by Anders Jildén, 2014, Unsplash
(https://unsplash.com/photos/yb0Qs65aZmc). Unsplash License.
- Modernism
- Progressivism and Progressive Education
- Pragmatism
- Functionalism
- Determinism
Note. Grayscale photography of New York City [Photograph], by Anders Jildén, 2014, Unsplash
(https://unsplash.com/photos/yb0Qs65aZmc). Unsplash License.
- Principles
- Advocated universal education
- Focus on the "essentials"
- Teacher-led
- Reaction against educational philosophies of John Dewey, William H. Kilpatrick, and E.L. Thorndike
- Opposed to Determinism
Note. Person writing on white paper [Photograph], by Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu, 2020, Unsplash
(https://unsplash.com/photos/qDgTQOYk6B8). Unsplash License.
Essentialism Today
- Essentialism has persisted to this day
- No Child Left Behind and William Buckley
Note. Person writing on white paper [Photograph], by Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu, 2020, Unsplash
(https://unsplash.com/photos/qDgTQOYk6B8). Unsplash License.