Getting Started
Troop Cookie Chair Training
- Complete training
- Submit Agreement Form
- Pick Up Troop Materials from Service Unit Cookie Chair
- Log into eBudde - beginning January 4th
- Log into Digital Cookie - beginning January 6th (girl access 1/8)
- Initial Order begins - January 15th
Important Dates
- Initial Order ends; Girl Delivery ends - February 12th
- Last day to edit Initial Orders in eBudde - February 13th
- Initial Rewards arrive to SUCC - week of February 22nd
- Troops pick up initial order cookies and rewards - March 6th-12th
- Direct Sale begins; Cupboards open - March 12th
- Cookie Program ends - April 11th
- Last day to edit orders in eBudde - April 13th
- Parent Debt form due - April 19t
- ACH Withdrawal - April 30th
- Final rewards arrive to SUCC - week of May 16th
Pick up troop/girl materials - page 9
Review Cookie Resources - page 11-12
Be Prepared and Safe - page 13-14
Log into eBudde and Digital Cookie - page 12-17
Houses training and tutorial videos
LBB site for cookie volunteers. Used to order cookies, assign credit to girls and order rewards
*New - content housed in Help Center; access to VIP etraining
GSUSA site for collecting online orders
Supplemental tool of Digital Cookie. Easy way for customers to order cookies from troops without knowing a specific Girl Scout.
Website houses resources and information specific to the GSHPA Cookie Program; Safety Resources; We've Got This Toolkit
Website houses resources and program ideas for girls and volunteers participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program
- Wear Masks
- Door Hangers
- Porch Deliveries
- Digital Payment
- Collect initial orders and enter into eBudde by February 13th
- Do not manually enter any online orders into eBudde
- eBudde tutorial videos found in GSLearn
- Girl delivery will turn off on February 12th at midnight
- Initial Rewards arrive to Service Units the week of February 22nd
- Distribute Initial Rewards to girls as soon as possible
- Wear Masks
- Bring your own pen
- Stay in vehicles
- Pack up initial rewards
- VSC will share details as they become available
- Inform Troops once details are finalized
- Great time to distribute initial order rewards
- Additional training in February including COVID Conscious protocols
- Keep receipts for packages received and distributed by the troop
New Booth Guidelines
- maximum of two volunteers and two girls per table
- Keep eBudde records updated and accurate. Review on a weekly basis
- Utilize TCC Facebook group to coordinate troop-to-troop transfers
- Make frequent deposits to Troop Bank account as girls submit payment
- Additional information on Direct Sale logistics and participation guidelines will be available in March
Be mindful of social distancing when picking up cookies.
Abide by Cupboard Manager instructions and pick up
- During the Direct Sale period, troops can order additional packages or cases from Cookie Cupboards
- Cookies CANNOT be returned to a Cookie Cupboard once the order has been picked up
- Package flavors of the same price can be exchanged at Cookie Cupboards
- Troops wanting same week pick up will need to place orders in eBudde by noon on Monday
- Be considerate and caring to the Cookie Cupboard Managers volunteering their time and space to provide your troop with cookies
*Rewards at the 1000+ pkg level and higher will be mailed directly to girls
- Select & Submit- rewards in eBudde
- Pick Up - rewards from SUCC
- Report - missing/damaged rewards immediately
- Distribute - rewards to girls as soon as possible
*GO! Dough balances will be emailed to girls at the end of the program
- Gift of Caring refers exclusively to online donations
- All Gift of Caring packages will automatically transfer from Digital Cookie to eBudde
GSHPA has the privilege of partnering with Operation Gratitude for the Gift of Caring donation program.
- GSHPA Goal - 35,000 packages
- New Gift of Caring resources available
- TCCs are financially responsible for the cookies ordered by the troop
- Families are financially responsible for the cookies ordered by their Girl Scout
- Plan to make frequent deposits to Troop Bank account
- Issue a receipt any time a transaction is made between a Girl Scout and a troop
- Do not collect money for online orders;
- Customers have already paid through Digital Cookie;
- These will be deducted from the amount owed to GSHPA