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Da Procida Times

2018/2019 1G 4-years course (scienze applicate quadriennale)

june 2019



Children around the world are victims of many forms of exploitation.

There are 250 million working children, 140 million of them are boys and 110 million girls. They are less than 14, they should go to school, play, have time to rest, and instead they work.

The most recent estimates tell us that child labourers live mainly in Asia, but that Africa is the continent where, proportionately, the probability of a child being forced to work is higher. However, there are many baby-workers in middle-income countries (5 million in Eastern Europe, and the figure is growing due to the difficult transition to a market economy).

Children end up in horrible situations for a number of reason and they don’t choose to be exploited.

The causes of child labour are:

  • Over population: most of the Asian and African countries are overpopulated;
  • Illiteracy: literate parents do not realize the need for a proper physical emotional and cognitive developed;
  • Poverty: many times poverty forces parents to send their children to dangerous job;
  • Saving money : the industrialists and factory owners find it profitable to employ children ;
  • Orphans: children born with no parents and relatives. They are forced to work and they live in the street.

Asia is one of the continents where child labour is not only numerically greater, but represents a true productive model. Children are dedicated to all kinds of production subcontract work: plantations, tanneries, quarries, mines, textile and toy work, waste selection ... .

Child labour or child exploitation is defined as any work activity that deprives children of their childhood of their dignity and negatively affects their psycho-physical development. Child labour is generally defined as all forms of work performed by minors below a minimum age established by law, which may vary from country to country.


The history of childhood has been a topic of interest in social history since the highly influential book Centuries of Childhood, published by French historian Philippe Ariès in 1960. He argued "childhood" as a concept which was created by modern society.

This Romantic conception of childhood, historian Margaret Reeves suggests, has a longer history than generally recognized, with its roots traceable to similarly imaginative constructions of childhood circulating, for example, in the neo-platonic poetry of seventeenth-century metaphysical poet Henry Vaughan (e.g., "The Retreate", 1650; "Childe-hood", 1655). Such views contrasted with the stridently didactic, Calvinist views of infant depravity. Children are viewed and acknowledged as being powerless and inferior to the adult world surrounding them due to the myth of childhood innocence being accepted and acknowledged by society.

Child exploitation in the 1800s

The children started working at 4-5 years because the conditions of the families did not allow them to raise 7-8 children with the two poor salaries of their parents.

The children were hired because they were more docile than the adults and because, being minutes, they could perform jobs that a man could not do because of the build, also because they underpaid them as children.

Entrepreneurs took advantage of the demand for work that had grown in the 1800s to reduce wages and increase hours of work for adults and children, forcing them to grueling hours that reached 14-15 hours a day. The workday of a child-worker began at 5-6 in the morning when he went to the factory. His family lived in disreputable neighborhoods, along with thieves and criminals of all kinds, but he was not afraid of being robbed, as there was nothing to steal from their home: he lived in absolute poverty.

SHOCKING NEWS: Children new workers.

Boogie men around the world

Child abuse is a problem mostly diffused in poor countries: many industries in the world exploit children, also by companies such as H&M, Zara, Nike and Reebok.

But this is not the only way that children are exploited: Child exploitation includes domestic work, child soldiers, the recruitment and involvement of children in armed conflicts, sexual exploitation and pornography, the use of children for criminal activities including the sale and distribution of narcotics and the involvement of children in harmful or hazardous work.

Sexual exploitation: sometimes children get sold by their families and this bring children to a family that cannot be the best for them. When this happens kids get abused physically and sexually. Children are also victims of kidnapping, the kidnapper is obviously not a person with the best intentions. When you bring your children to the park or the supermarket NEVER take your eyes off him because he can be gone.

Economic exploitation of a child: the use of the child in work or other activities for the benefit of others. This includes, but is not limited to, child labour. Economic exploitation implies the idea of a certain gain or profit through the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. This material interest has an impact on the economy of a certain unit, be it the State, the community or the family.

Do you think that child abuse is avoidable ?Of course it is, the govern has to do something , but not only them , we all have to do something to avoid child exploiting.


Impresa alquanto difficile sintetizzare in poche righe quella che è

stata la nostra grande avventura, ma ci proverò e spero nel migliore

dei modi!

Questa prima pagina del web magazine redatto dagli studenti della

1G del corso quadriennale, rappresenta il prodotto finale del

progetto PTOF “Let’s communicate with the world 1”.

Un percorso che ha previsto un’azione didattica centrata sul

“project work”, con il, supporto di insegnanti madrelingua(prof.ssa

Adduono Marianna e prof.ssa Walker Rosiemary), allo scopo di

potenziare le competenze comunicative degli studenti in ambiti che

prediligessero gli aspetti autentici dell’interazione linguistica, ad

introdurre lo studio di una materia curriculare(Geostoria) in lingua

straniera , a cominciare la preparazione per la certificazione IELTS

e “The last but not the least” gestire uno scambio culturale con il

Liceo Hopkins(USA) che ha visto gli studenti americani in visita alla

nostra scuola il 15 Marzo 2019.

Un attività didattica davvero intensa, che ha sempre coinvolt0 sia le

abilità di “reading” e “writing” , che quelle di “speaking” e “listening” con la produzione di diversi lavori: creative writing( ), poster( ), article, blog (, video, email/a page of my diary ( )…ma non finisce qui!!

Ora ci aspetta il nostro “final step”: lo stage formativo in

Inghilterra(Isola di Wight) a settembre , per completare la nostra

attività progettuale.

A questo punto, non mi rimane che augurarvi Buone vacanze e…

Arrivederci a presto con il nostro web magazine in edizione “Isola di

Wight “

Prof.ssa Maria Pappalardo

Have you ever thought how your life would have been different if you

had been born in a country where children are exploited?

We have never thought about it! But it would definitely be devastating. We know well that child labour is one of the biggest problems of our modern society, that affects a lot of children (5-17 years) who are usually engaged in paid and unpaid forms of work, which may compromise their physical, mental, social and educational development. This is a common issue all around the world.

The first continent and also the biggest we are going to talk about is Asia. In these countries, children work in garment factories, farming, and in various types of manufacturing. However, the exact nature of their employment is hard to track as it is informal. Like all of the other countries on this list, poverty is the main cause of under aged work . India, the world's second most populated country, has as many as 33 million child labourers. Some of the places where children in Asia work include mines, on farms, and in garment factories. Unfortunately, although the economy has grown over the past several decades. Despite legislative efforts, the number of child workers has increased over recent years.

work Team: Miele, Monetti, Piscitelli, candiloro,martuscelli.

enjoy your reading!!!

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Did you know? In 1900, 18 percent of all American workers were under the age of 16.

The educational reformers of the mid-nineteenth century convinced many among the native-born population that primary school education was a necessity for both personal fulfillment and the advancement of the nation. The influx of immigrants, beginning with the Irish in the 1840s and continuing after 1880 with groups from southern and eastern Europe, provided a new pool of child workers. Many of these immigrants came from a rural background, and they had much the same attitude toward child labor as Americans had in the eighteenth century.

The new supply of child workers was matched by a tremendous expansion of American industry in the last quarter of the nineteenth century that increased the jobs suitable for children. The two factors led to a rise in the percentage of children ten to fifteen years of age who were gainfully employed. Although the official figure of 1.75 million significantly understates the true number, it indicates that at least 18 percent of these children were employed in 1900. In southern cotton mills, 25 percent of the employees were below the age of fifteen, with half of these children below age twelve. In addition, the horrendous conditions of work for many child laborers brought the issue to public attention.

To sensibilize the people about the child labour, American people started to use photography to dramatize the poor conditions of children at work. During the period from 1902 to 1915, child labor committees emphasized reform through state legislatures. Many laws restricting child labor were passed as part of the progressive reform movement of this period. But the gaps that remained, particularly in the southern states, led to a decision to work for a federal child labor law. Congress passed such laws in 1916 and 1918, but the Supreme Court declared them unconstitutional.

Child labor has been substantially eliminated, it still poses a problem in a few areas of the economy.

Children exploitation from 2000 to today

In this period, the children exploitation is falling, however about 165 million children are exploited around the world. Most part of children exploited are under 11 who works in factories. The 60% of the work is about agricultural activities such as farming, dairy, fisheries and forestry. Another 25% of child labourers were in service activities such as, restaurants picking and recycling trash, polishing shoes, domestic help, and other services. The remaining 15% laboured in assembly and manufacturing. Child labour predominantly occurs in the rural areas (70%) and informal urban sector (26%). Child labour accounts for 22% of the workforce in Asia, 32% in Africa, 17% in Latin America, 1% in the US, Canada, Europe and other wealthy nations.

work Team: Abballe, Pecoraro, Cornacchia , Napoli.

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In Africa one child in three works, but mainly in family farming, supplying essential goods. The degradation of the economy with the increase in foreign debt, the fall in the prices of commodities and the reduction in social expenses has favoured child labour in the informal sector.

In Latin America 15/20% of children under the age of 15 work and many are street children, an example are the "Favelas".

Even in the United States 28% of children under 15 work according to ILO calculations. In Europe the last years of crisis, of reduction of the income of adults have led to a recovery of the phenomenon (Great Britain, Portugal 5%, Italy); in Italy there are 300,000 to half a million working children.

The solutions to solve the problem would seem to exist: multinationals should change their economic policies, humanizing them and avoiding excessive exploitation, and governments should put some limitations on the ferocious establishment of big companies and take actions against those who use child labour more decisively. Another way to progress in the fight against child labour would be to refuse to buy or import the artefacts made by children. Childhood is the age of play, of fun, of carefree and it is right that every child lives it and knows the true happiness of this period of life.

work Team: Maiorino, Sessa, Buono, Saveriano

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On the other part of the world we find another continent: Latin America. While these countries have made great strides to eliminate child labor, there are still around 5.7 million children across the region who continue to work in danger. The majority of child laborers work in agriculture, but sectors identified as high-risk for abuse include mining, domestic labor, fireworks manufacturing, and fishing. In particular,Paraguay, Mexico, and Brazil are three countries in Latin America where child slavery persists. In Mexico, nearly 8.4 percent of children in the country work .They work in truly inhuman, overheated spaces; more than 48 hours a week, receiving wages from 29 to 40 dollars per week. A 2017 study found that approximately 1.8 million children between the ages of five and 17 work in Brazil.

Obviously there are other countries that are in the same condition such as Africa and Est Europe. To conclude we strongly hope that all these facts will stop and the kids enjoy their childhood freely and without exploitation.

work Team: salvatore, di crescenzo, formisano, adamo, concilio.

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Creative Writing

The Secret

I was doing the housework while my brother was making a pizza for tonight party. Then I and my brother were having a breakfast with tea and some biscuits. While we were having breakfast, my brother told me a secret which I had to keep forever. After some minutes our mum returned home she said to us that she spent some money for a gift for our work. This secret was always in my mind… I was going crazy… I tried not to think about it too much. One day I was about to tell my best friend but I stopped me in time. This was becoming an obsession… so I went to a psychologist that helped me… but anyway it sometimes came back to me… but it’s all ok. So I kept this secret for years and this is… Ops… I’m sorry I can’t say it… Bye…

By: Roberto Buono and Daniele Salvatore

The story of the modern samurai

One year ago, a samurai made a book with an old wood and wrote his story. In this story there is a young samurai and while he was at home he was doing his exercises to become much stronger, an enemy went to the monks’ temple to stole and took their treasure. The samurai tried to catch the train to reach the enemy, but he missed it and he was losing the possibility to fight the enemy. The samurai surrendered and went back home where he played the guitar to forget. The day after the samurai met a friend who knew other information about the enemy, because he didn't have a personal secretary. He told him that his enemy didn’t keep the money because he spent all for food and he left the country. The samurai was sad and went back home to continue his exercises to become stronger...

By Alessio Candiloro

My best friend’s birthday party

Two days ago my best friend invited me to his birthday party. So, yesterday, I caught the bus and I went to the shopping centre to buy him a gift. I planned to give him a little treat, so this morning I spent a lot of time trying to make a pizza, but I failed. Before the party I did my homework and I played videogames. When the party started, I met some of my friends at the entrance of the disco; we started to dance and we never stopped until the end of the party. At 1:00am I took one of my friends to his house: he was too tired. Only when I came back home I realized that I lost my favourite keychain but, after all, I had a good time.

By Fabio Formisano and Massimo Saveriano

Kate and the lost necklace

Once upon a time there was a girl named Kate. She loved making new friends and playing at the park near her house. One day, while she was going to the park to spend the entire afternoon there, she started to catch some butterflies. While she was running, she noticed that she had lost her dead grandmother’s necklace. So she started to cry while she was turning back home, knowing that her mother would probably be angry with her. The butterfly flew on her nose, so she finally took the necklace, saying ”I miss my grandmother so much. Suddenly the butterfly transformed into her grandmother, so she could meet her again. She started to cry telling her grandmother that she loves her.

By : Nicola Napoli, Kevin Martuscelliv

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E-mail / page of diary

Dear Ms.Pappalardo and Ms.Stio

This a page from my diary: I’m the boy of the story.

Dear Diary, today a lot of things happened......

This morning I went to work, like every day, but I first stopped to get meat from a street vender. In the meantime a dog approached : he was a stray. I decided to give him the meat. When I lifted up I saw a beautiful girl. After that I took the car to the parking lot: the dog was there very close to an orange pump. When I finished to work I realised most of the cars were dirty , but mine was perfect. Soon after the dog stole my bag and took me to a girl with a broken car, the same girl I met in the morning. I helped her and she gave me her telephone number. I am very happy!! I want to adopt the dog if it is possible!


Giusy Maiorino

From: Kwan (Abballe Francesco)

To: Ms. Pappalardo and Ms.Stio

Seul, 16thNovember 2018

Hi teachers,

I am a little dog. Before this events, I was a poor dog without a family, but now… This fact is very long and it’s difficult to tell it, so I’ll make you read my diary pages!

25th May 2018

Yesterday I met a student, he was buying a snack. I was so hungry, but anyone wanted give to me any food, so I made understand at this boy, if he could by something to me. Miraculously, he gave me this snack, and I ate it frantically.

29th May 2018

Every day I help this boy to find a park pot, or to clean his car. The other strays dog say to me that I am so strange, because I help a human. Pfff! They don’t understand that he saved my life buying a snack for me.

30th May 2018

This morning I met a girl, she was beautiful. I was watching her continuously, when she saw me ad she gave some food to me. I was attracted by her and so I followed her without showing me. Unfortunately, she saw me the same, but her reaction was unexpected. She decided to make me live in her house. I’m so happy.

6th June 2018

It’s evening and I’m with girl at the “Year’s End Party”.Unfortunately, I can’t go at the party so I have to wait her out. So I decide to play with a ball that I’ve just found. Three hours later. The party has ended and the girl comes to take me to return home. We are ready to start but the car doesn’t’t start, a problem with the motor! I run to find help when I see the boy again. That’s a good opportunity to repair the car and to make the twos meet. To catch his attention, I steal his bag and I run to the girl.The boy is with me and as soon as he looks at the girl, he is attracted by her. He decides to help the girl, but he is very clumsy and so the girl calls the mechanic. A boy comes to us and he repairs the car. So we can return to home.

10th June 2018

I’m happy to live in this house. The girl gives to me more attention: she gives me food, she plays with me and she takes me out .... She is an excellent person. There’s something happening!!! I see her speaking with a boy on the phone. I listen to: they want to arrange an appointment at a famous restaurant in Seul. I wish he was the boy who save me the life.

11th June 2018

It’s the day of the appointment, but I have to stay at home. When they return, I realize the boy was the mechanic!!!! I’m so sad…

5th July 2018

The boy is ugly, he hates me and I hate him. He gets all the attention the girl gave to me. He takes me out the evening and…He kicked me like I was a ball. I HATE HIM!!!

17th July 2018

STOP, I can’t bear him any longer!!! This evening he closes me out. Now he is starting to abuse the girl. I decide to help her. I run away to find someone who can help me.

18th July 2018

I’m so tired, I’ve run all around the city for two hours , but nobody wanted to help me Oh! Wait a moment! I’ve seen the “famous boy”. I wish he wanted to help me. As soon as he sees me, he comes to me to cuddle me. I start to return home and he comes with me. We are at home and we are already beginning to hear screams. He understands the situation and, like a hero, he destroys the door and hits the boy, knocking him down. He’s saved the girl and he calls the police who arrests the mechanic.


So, we’re living all together and finally I’ve a really beautiful family! Dear teachers, this is my story. Do you like it?

Dear Ms. Pappalardo,

In the last period, a singer, named James Blunt, caught my attention. James Hillier Blount, better known with his stage name James Blunt, is an English singer, songwriter and record producer. James Blunt rose to fame in 2004 (with the release of his first album Back to Bedlam) thanks to "You're Beautiful”, his most popular and best known song. The lyrics is about a girl the singer saw in a subway. It was love at first sight but she was with another man so they will never be together.

What do you think about this singer?

Let me know.

Fabio Formisano

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