Essential Policies & Procedures
Training Department / HR Team
Policy Overview
- Attendance Policy
- Discrimination, Bullying & Harassment
- Dress Code
- Elopement
- Lock Down Procedure
- Blood Borne Pathogens
- Alcohol, Illegal & Controlled Substances
- Cellphone Policy
- Peanut Free Environment
- Workers Compensation
- Video Review
- Internet of Things
- HIPAA Policy
- Tap Out Procedure
- Body Check Procedure
Full policies available in packet.
Attendance Policy
See Page 2 in Packet for Full Policy
Policy at a Glance
All Heartspring employees are expected to arrive on-time to their respective placements.
Policy at a
Call-In Procedures
If you're unable to make it in to work at your scheduled time, you'll be required to notify the right people prior to the start time of your shift.
- 3rd Shift Supervisor & School Admin Assistant
- Must call between 6:00 AM and 6:30 AM
Home - Weekday
- Residential Admin Assistant
- Must call before 12:00 PM
Weekend / 3rd Shift
Home - Weekend
- Campus Supervisor
- Must call between 7:00 AM and 7:30 AM
Home - 3rd Shift
- Campus Supervisor
- Must call before 5:00 PM
Personal Appearance, Attire & Grooming
Dress Code
See Page 12 in Packet for Full Policy
Work Appropriate Clothes
Work Appropriate Clothes
- Don't wear anything that is too precious to you.
- Wear something that can get ripped/dirty, not that is already ripped
- Wear clothes that you can be active in
- Bring an extra set!
Crocs are only permitted when we're assisting a student bathing, then only in Sports Mode.
Piercings above the shoulders are permitted at Heartspring. Small hoops, gauges or studs are preferred.
Keep them small enough that students' fingers can't get caught in them.
See Page 23 in Packet for Full Policy
Multiple Relationships
Keep professional relationships professional!
- Students and their families are a professional relationship
- Avoid following students/families served on social media platforms
- Avoid getting together with students/families served in a social setting
Lockdown Procedure-
Dangerous Intruder
Lockdown Procedure
See Page 23 in Packet for Full Policy
Policy at a Glance
Employees should be constantly aware of their environment and surroundings, so they can recognize a potentially dangerous situation.
Policy at a Glance
Examples of Dangerous Situations
- Anyone in a verbal or physical confrontational exchange
- Hearing gun fire or popping noises believed to be gun fire
- Presence of a weapon on a visitor
- Any other dangerous situation that feels threatening
Steps of Action
Dangerous Intruder Identified
Activation of Lockdown Procedure Using Walkie Talkie or Dialing "0"
Steps of Action
Front Desk will notify all employees using intercom system
Front Desk will Dial 9-1-1
Staff will shelter in nearest lockable room with their student(s)
Remain calm and be prepared to answer the following questions:
- Physical appearance of intruder?
- How many intruders?
- Which building is the intruder in?
- What's the current location of your student(s)?
Texting is not the issue.
This is about protecting our students' safety and dignity.
Cellphone Policy
See Page 29 in Packet for Full Policy
No employee in a student serving environment is permitted to use their cellphone.
Cellphone Policy
- Cellphones are not permitted to be on your person at all while serving our students.
- In case of emergencies, there is a landline phone in every student serving environment that can be used.
- Heartspring is not responsible if your phone is damaged in a student serving environment.
Blood Borne Pathogens
See Page 36 in Packet for Full Policy
ECP - Exposure Control Plan
PPE - Personal Protective Equipment
OSHA - Occupational Safety & Health Administration
PIM - Potentially Infectious Materials
Universal Precautions
All bodily fluids should be treated as potentially infectious for the following:
- HBV - Hepatitis B Virus
- HBC - Hepatitis C Virus
- HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Personal Protective Equipment
- Remove PPE if it becomes contaminated
- Wear PPE whenever it is needed for the situation
- Do not wash or reuse PPE
- Wear PPE when helping a student toilet and shower
Hand Washing
- Immediately after the removal of gloves or other PPE
- Following the contact of skin or hands with blood or OPIM
- Whenever hands are visibly soiled
- After using the bathroom
- Disposed of in designated sharps containers
- Do not try to shear, bend, or recap
Special Considerations
- Wear appropriate PPE
- Throw away unless essential
Alcohol, Illegal & Controlled Substances
See Page 43 in Packet for Full Policy
No employee while on Heartspring property or utilizing Heartspring vehicles is to:
- Use alcohol
- Sell alcohol
- Possess alcohol
- Be under the influence of alcohol
Official Heartspring functions:
- Some Heartspring functions do involve alcohol and staff are allowed to drink but must do so responsibly.
Illegal Substances
No employee while on Heartspring property or utilizing Heartspring vehicles is to:
- Use, sell, possess, or be under the influence of illegal substances.
- Or be under the influence of illegal narcotics, drugs, or controlled substances while off-duty or while on the job.
Controlled Substances
Illegal / Controlled Substances
- No prescription drug may be brought onto Heartspring premises unless legally prescribed.
- Any employee legally using controlled substances must inform his or her supervisor upon reporting to work, if the substance could adversly affect cognitive abilities.
- It is the employee's responsibility to use appropriate personnel procedures (e.g., call in sick, use leave, request change of duty, notify supervisor) to avoid unsafe work conditions.
Drug and alcohol testing may be performed using the following methods through properly licensed / certified testing facility:
- Breath
- Hair
- Bodily fluids (i.e., saliva, urine, blood)
Heartspring tests for substances that include, but are not limited to:
- Phencyclidine (PCP)
- Marijuana
- Amphetamines / Methamphetamines
- Cocaine
- Opiates (heroine, codeine, morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone)
- Opium derivatives
When will testing occur?
- Accidents occuring in a Heartspring vehicle
- Upon suspicion
- Work comp injuries that require treatment
- Random testing
- Any employee who is aware of or becomes aware of a violation of this policy should:
- Immediately report the violation to their supervisor or the on-campus supervisor as may be appropriate
- Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination.
Heartspring employees arrested, charged or convicted of an offense involving illegal substances must:
- Notify Heartspring immediately and will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
- Failure to report the incident to Heartspring will result in termination of employment.
Peanut Free
- Just don't bring 'em!
- See Page 42 in Packet for Full Policy
Workers Compensation
- All injuries must be reported via an accident report on the Intranet
- Under Kansas state law, injuries must be reported within 20 days of the incident occuring to be eligible for Workers Compensation
- Heartspring will cover expenses for all medical assessment or treatment visits for work related injuries.
See Page 47 in Packet for Full Policy
Video Review
See Page 44 in Packet for Full Policy
Policy at a Glance
The Conference Center and all student serving environments (group homes, school, gymnasium) have cameras outfitted with video & audio recording capability.
The only student serving area without video/audio recording is the bathroom, but staff are required to have a second staff personnel with them while assisting our students bath/toilet.
Personnel authorized to review video/audio recordings include the CEO, the CFO, the COO, Director of Equity Engagement & Student Safety, and other administrators.
This is to protect the dignity and safety of our students.
- Footage will only be reviewed by authorized personnel in the event of an incident that merits review.
- You're not being watched while you work, but, while you're with our students, you're always being recorded.
Internet of Things
Device Policy
See Page 45 in Packet for Full Policy
Internet of Things
Personal Smart Speakers
- Google Home, Amazon Echo/Alexa, etc.
- Smart Speakers are never permitted at Heartspring
Be mindful of our students' privileged, HIPAA protected information
- Biometric data, video recording, audio recording, etc.
Tap Out
Tap Out Procedure
See Page 52 in Packet for Full Policy
Policy at a Glance
If a staff is frustrated, overwhelmed, or is caught in a power struggle with a student, that staff should be tapped out. The staff tapping out should use a nonverbal queue to the staff being tapped out, so as to not alert the student to what is going on.
Who can be tapped out?
Anyone permitted to work with a student can be tapped out. If another staff reasonably believes that the staff involved in a crisis needs to be tapped out, they can tap out that staff.
Who can be tapped out?
Can I come back?
- Even if you believe that you should not have been tapped out, you need to wait until the crisis has ended to return.
- Staff assisting in the same environment are permitted to remain in the environment if assistance is needed in a different capacity.
- Assist with students/staff outside of the crisis behavior
Can I refuse?
Sometimes we feel a sense of ownership over a crisis. However, if you're being tapped out of a behavior, it's not because you are going to be punished in any way.
- Think of it as a gift from your coworker to get to take a break from an escalating situation.
Body Check
Body Check Procedure
See Page 54 in Packet for Full Policy
What are Body Checks?
Body checks are designed to be performed by two staff, to find all injuries or skin alterations that a student may have.
The skin of the student, in areas specified in the body check log, is to be thoroughly checked at the specified times.
When are Body Checks?
- 7:00 AM or when the student is dressing for the day
- 3:00 PM or when the student is transitioning from the school to their group home environment
- 9:00 PM, bedtime, or when the student is showering/changing into their pajamas