Simón Bolívar: Libertador of America or Proponent of Latin American Union?
Leader of South American Independence
Early Life of Simon Bolivar
- Bolvar was born to wealth and position as the son of a Venezuelan aristocrat of Spanish descent. His father died when he was three years old, and his mother died six years later, leaving his inheritance to his uncle, who also provided him with tutors.
Early Life of Simon Bolivar
How Simon Bolivar became a leader
How he became a leader
- 1813: Took command of the patriot army and retook Caracas 1817: Went back into Venezula to fight for independence and was chosen President despite the fact that the nation was not yet free
- 1819: Elected as President of the original Columbia, which included Columbia, Ecuador, Panama, and Venezuela.
- 1821: Driven the Spaniards all the way back to Peru in
- 1825 After freeing them from the Spanish, Bolivia was named after him in his honor.
The Liberator Simón Bolívar signing the Decree of War to Death
Simon Bolivar Qualities
- Intelligent: well-educated all over Euorpe as an adolescent
- Wrote countless manifistos and speeches to the people of South America.
- Courageous: Fought in several conflicts despite never having been trained as a soldier.
- Passionate: He was adamant about his cause and would always encourage his men.
- Determined: Never gave up and waited 13 years for independence.
Simon Bolivar Extra
- Venezuela's currency is named after Simon Bolivar.
- He is also the name of a country in Bolivia.
- Simon Bolivar was born into one of Venezuela's wealthiest families.
Interesting Facts
The Admiral Campaign
-In the winter of 1812, he led his soldiers on a charge up the Mandolin River against the royalist army, which they slaughtered. -By the end of January, the whole river was under bolivar's control.
The Admiral Campaign (the invasion of Venezuela) - He resorted to the killing of native Spaniards who were opposed to Venezuela's liberation - The admirable campaign is one of the greatest military victories - in half a year, he demolished the royalist advantage and freed Venezuela from Spanish rule.
The Admiral Campaign
July 24, 1783
Born Caracas, New Granada (modern day Venezuela)
President of Gran Columbia
Important Dates!
Bolvar died of tuberculosis on December 17, 1830, at the age of 47, according to official sources. Some individuals believe Bolivar was murdered. Hugo Chávez, Venezuela's then-president, authorized the exhumation of Bolvar's remains in 2010 to investigate the cause of death. The findings were inconclusive.
Death of Simon Bolivar
Death of Simon Bolivar – Painting by Antonio Herrera Toro