Grand Unitary Nursing Theories
Unitary Theory
GRAND Unitary Master
- Man is a unified whole possessing integrity and manifesting characteristics that are more than different from the sum of their parts
- Man and environment are continously exchanging matter and energy with each other
- Life process evolves irreversibly and unidirectional along the space time continuum.
- Pattern and orginization identify man and reflect his innovative wholeness
- Man is characterized by the capacity for abstraction adn imagery, language, thought, sensation and emotion.
Human-Unitary human beings
"irreducible, indivisible, multidimensional energy fields identfied by pattern and manifesting characters that are specific to the whole and which cannot be predicted from the knowledge of the parts"
Unitary human health signifies an irreducible human field manifestation. It cannot be measured by the parameters of biology or physics or of the social sciences
The study of unitary, irreducible, indivisible human and environmental fields: people and their world. Nursing is a learned profession that is both a science and an art.
Environmental Field
An irreducible, individual, pandimensional energy field identified by pattern and integral with the human field.
Energy Field
The fundamental unit of the living and the nonliving. field is a unifying concept. Energy signifies the dynamic nature of the field; a field is in continuous motion and is infinite.
Refers to qualities exhibited by open systems; human beings and thier environment are open systems
A nonlinear domain without spatial or temporal attributes
The distingushing characteristics of an energy field percieved as a single wave
- Due to the abstract nature, Rogers' provides a worldview that nurses can form their own personal theories
University Settings/Curriculums
Margaret Newman
Health: expanding consciousness
- fusion of being with its opposite
- specifies close attention to Patterns
- speaks out against the connectedness of time/space/motion
- due to advances of tech, people are more connected
Practice vs. Theory
- Theory must be derived from practice
- Theory must inform practice.
Practice vs. Theory
Health: fusion of being with its opposite (illness and health)
- Health
- is a pattern
- looking pattern than parts
- understanding patterns is the essence of unitary health
- relation with consciousness
Rosemarie Parse
Humanbecoming Paradigm
- is structuring meaning, freely choosing the situation
- is configuring rythmic humanuniverse patterns
- is constranscending illimitably with emerging possibilities
- is humanuniverse co-creating a seamless symphony
Concepts vs Paradoxes
- Imaging: explicit-tacit
- Valuing: confirming-not confirming
- Language: speaking-silent, revealing-concealing
- Powering: pushing-resisting
- Transorming: familiar-not familiar
- Structuring meaning is the imaging and value of language
- Configuring rhythmic patterns of relating the revealing-concealing and enabling-limiting of connecting-seperating
- Cotranscending with the possible is powering and orginating of transforming
Effective implemenation
Effective implemenation
- humans are unitary beings
- health is continous environmental interchanges
- whole, open and free to become
- Humans are sentient, multidimensional
- Health signifies, irreducible human field manifestation
- Environment is multidimensional energy field identfied by pattern
- Nursing is a learned profession, a science and an art in the concern for others
- same as Rogers
- health is a fluctuating pattern of rhythmic phenomena
- Universal energy with Rogers
- Nursing facilitates pattern recognition in process to evolve into a higher level of conciousness
- Humans are co-participates in the universe in creating and becoming
- Health is a way of being in the world, not a continuum of healthy to ill, but living of day to day ways of being
- Environment is the world, the universe and those who occupy spaces along
- Nursing guides humans toward ways of being, finding meaning in situations and choosing ways of co creating their health.
Where have you seen unitary theory? Why is this important to the profession?
References: McEwen,M & Wills, M. (2014). Theoretical Basis for Nursing. New York, New York. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. pp 192-212.