re-booking your customers
new world suspensions
- New World Suspensions are all NEW suspended sailings from 24th August
- Re-books are loaded onto a NEW WOR EVERY TIME no matter the ABTA number
Where do i start?
Your customer wants to rebook what is your first step?
How much Cruise Line FCC does the customer have?
Work out from the Corona yes/no document in Teams
How much refunded monies does the customer have?
This will be when you are looking at amending packages
This booking has already re-booked so FCC's show nil
Customer is ready to book
My customer is now ready to book....
- Book the new holiday on a new WOR reference
- Your Cruise Line FCC needs to be added into the costing page
- Check the corona yes/no document to see how it will be added
- As a discount it is entered as 'fare' then a MINUS AMOUNT
- As a payment it is entered as 'other' then a MINUS AMOUNT
retail to retail
- If the customer has used an FCC to the total value of the holiday, the value of the original booking will show on the booking confirmation as their new holiday has not cost them anymore money.
- • If the customer has used an FCC to a lesser value of the new holiday, then the difference shown that the customer has to pay, will be the difference between their old booking and their new booking.
- • IF the FCC is not available to add on at the time of booking, a new deposit will need to be taken and a callback will need to be added into the booking to arrange to have this added at a later date. This will ensure we are not at risk for the new booking and we don’t forget to add the FCC.
retail to package
- If you are rebooking an OODR package, then a deposit will be taken at the time of booking for the cruise should the FCC not yet be available and then add the FCC on at a later date, as always you will need to also take the deposit amounts for the flights etc too.
- You will need to take more deposit to cover any extra element charges so we are not at risk
package to package
- When canceling the old WOR elements remember to do this with all suppliers... they don't canx themselves
- Anything that has charges on will need to be written off eg hotel fees etc and claimed on our insurance - ALL costings should be reduced to nett and additional margins removed
- Once your costing in the old WOR shows a refund amount that is correct we can transfer these monies - Your CL cost will remain in the booking
- If you have Low cost flights that you are waiting to see if they become canx you must diarise this for yourself to check at the later date
- If your customer is not re-booking you will need to add an FCC line and FCC balancing line into the booking
package to retail
- Always remember you can afford to upgrade your pax on this one as they will sometimes have 125% of the cruise FCC from the previous booking and possibly monies to transfer over too!
- This would also apply package to package.... make the most of what they have to spend!
- If your customer does not spend all of their monies from the old WOR on a package you have to refund them and they will be issued with a New World RCN
points to note
- Make sure that your customer gets the most out of their FCC, sometimes it may not roll over if it is not spent
- Top Tip - Take a snip and save any costings before you amend them in the old WOR as it's easier to refer back to - save it in attachments in isell
- When adding FCC's and adjusting old WOR's always check your commission stays in the booking when it's protected
- Please make sure you update the booking with full notes - sometimes you will be asked to look at them weeks down the line and you need to remember what you did!
You will need to canx down the old WOR as follows......
Go back to your overview page and cancel down the old elements by clicking the tickbox next to the element and in the dropdown
list underneath, click “Cancel and Not Show on Documents”
- Once you have selected confirm Cancellation, the element will then turn Grey and the cancellation is complete. You will need to go back to the costings page and check that your commission for your cancelled element is still showing (as this is protected). If it has dropped out the commission will be the difference between the Net figure and the Gross figure which you put in for the cancellation.
- In the costings page – Zero down the “Cruise line FCC / Cruise Line FCC Balancing lines on the booking to show the FCC has been spent, this will only show if we contacted them previously but they were not ready to spend the FCC
- Any FCC's left in the booking we will be outbounding at a later date so if your customer only spends part of it you can leave behind the un-spent part
New Teams Channel – New World Suspensions
New Phone Line Whisper – New World Suspensions