The creator of synergistic agricolture, is the spanish
Emilia Hazelip
(1937 - 2003).
She was inspired by the principles of
“not-doing” agriculture of Masanobu Fukuoka ("The thread of straw revolution")
“We are not obliged to passively consume. We can act, we can self-produce some food to be able to buy less, we can start with a garden, a terrace, a green space arranged as an
"edible landscape".”
- Emilia Hazelip
The art of cultivating letting the earth do it
Synergistic agriculture
- It is a method of cultivating the land that is respectful of nature and at the same time capable of guaranteeing abundant and genuine harvests.
Why practicing it
- It is based on the principle widely demonstrated by the most up-to-date microbiological studies.
- It encourages agricultural production that uses the self-fertility of the soil.
- Its principles can be applied everywhere, in small or large spaces, in the countryside or in the city, in a cold or hot climate.
Chemical activity and organic residues
The role of plants
Microorganisms and bacteria
- While the earth makes plants grow, they create fertile soil through their own root exudates:
Key principles
- No addition of fertilizers.
Synergistic agriculture in practice
- First you need to prepare the ground.
This phase is not taken for granted and the modality and time varies according to the starting condition:
The working slab
- It is a layer of accumulation of salts in the soil due to repeated plowing.
- A hole is digged 50 cm deep in the ground to see if there's a horizontal line of a different color compared to the rest of the ground.
- If it's present it will be necessary to break it with a ripper or with a spade-fork.
The windbreak hedge
- It's useful to prepare a windbreak hedge
- It will also be an excellent refuge for beneficial insects and parasite predators, for hedgehogs to hibernate and for birds' nests.
The pallets
- They are the raised flowerbeds on which the vegetables are grown, created with the same soil where you cultivate.
- The shape can be straight, curved or mandala-shaped.
- Their function is to delimit the passages for men and vehicles in order to avoid the compaction of the cultivated land.
- A "drip" irrigation system is installed on them.
- The pallets have three different cultivation surfaces:
- Sides
- Edges
- Central zone
- "Permanent braces" are bended in arches that cross over the pallets.
- The arches will serve as a guide to climbing plants.
Three families of different vegetables are planted on the same pallet to make the most of the synergistic action of the plants.
- Sides: upright liliaceae; they spreads disinfesting substances, thus protecting other vegetables.
- Edges: row of legumes, depending on the season.
- Central part: legumes and the other families of vegetables.
The mulch
- An essential element to protect the soil from compaction and the excessive action of weathering.
- It's important to keep the pallets' sides well covered with mulch to avoid slipping
- It facilitates the development of microflora and microfauna.
- It acts as a "thermal buffer", protecting the soil both in the hottest months and during the cold season.
- It is made with biodegradable materials according to needs.
What is the ultimate goal of synergistic agriculture?
- To replicate in agriculture the conditions of the soils that produce such perfect results in nature
- Build a future where respect for life is implemented through the synergistic-ecological integration.