Marketing Department
WHRO Style Guide
WHRO Style Guide
- Need a WHRO logo? Here is where you go!
- https://corporate.whro.org/media-information/media-kit
WHRO Social Channels
Follow Us On Social!
- Facebook.com/whropublicmedia
- TikTok.com/@whropublicmedia
- LinkedIn.com/company/whro
Share With Us!
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Share With Us!
Tag Us!
- Like something you see? Please reshare it!
- Sharing something WHRO related? Tag us!
- Have a social media idea? Please share it with us!
- Does WHRO have any upcoming events that they are hosting or sponsoring?
- Visit whro.org/events to see all upcoming events!
WHRO Events Page
Share - Share - Share!
How you can help us!
- WHRO is always looking to have events at full capacity - in order to support our mission and flex when it comes to grant reporting time : )
- Have a company email chain? Perhaps you can request sharing upcoming WHRO events with collegues via that channel?
- Share our event links on social! If there is event registration needed, please share the Eventbrite link!
- Make a plan with friends/family to attend our events! They are all family friendly!