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Essam & Bayader & Ali

Kauther vs Al-Kauther

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Vocabulary and Word Analysis

Al-Kauthar is the river in Paradise where the prophet will be and he will give his follwers a drink.

Kauthar means a unusual type of a lot and blessings

Katheer vs Kauther

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Kauthar is on the pattern of Faoual and Faoual is very rare in the Arabic language.

Katheer means a lot


Kauthar mean a unusual type of a lot and blessings and abundance

A'taa vs Aataa

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A'taa is the abundant good so the contrast of being cheap is giving. In the example the one who is giving is Allah. So if Allah gives then it should only be right that we give back to others.

A'taa means to give or be given

Aataa means to have or to inherit

History behind the Surah

History behind Surah Al-Kauthar

The enemies of the prohpet thought that Muhammad (pbuh) had been completely ruined: he was cut off from the community and had become utterly helpless and powerless; his trade was ruined; his male children were dead; and no one wanted to listen to his message aside from the few in Makkah. In response to said circumstances, Allah revealed Surah Kauther to assure him of his blessings and to remind him that his enemies were the true losers.

Blessings/ Favors on Prophet s.a.w

Blessings/ Favors on Prophet S.A.W

  • Allah will not be angry at the prophet
  • Allah will give so much to the prophet till he pleases
  • Allah made the prophet an orphan and sheltered him
  • Allah found the prophet lost and guided him
  • Allah found the prophet in need and helped him
  • Allah will make the ending of his life better then the beginning
  • Allah will never leave the prophet
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