Self-propelled modular transporter
- Distribute weight over veryLarge Area
Like tanks Continuous track but with wheels
- Wheels give flexibility & independence
- A lot of wheels Can carry almost everything
- We are making bigger & BIGGER Things
- WE need to Transport "Big"things
- Normal trucks are not big enough
- Big trucks will end the ROAD
- Something in between is needed
- WE need a lot of Torque & Precision
- Jacking & Steering & Leveling & eveything else is hydraulic powered
- Not a thing that everyonc can do
its "tough men with delicate finger"
- Lot of prep work before even launch
- Costs a lot due to group skill need
- Some times SPMT needs MORE
- SPEED or Breaking my need extra
- Special Tractor with Lot of Traction
- Added on based on mission
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