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Myers-Briggs Personality Type

Ajla Kastrat

period 2

Edna Pontellier

Edna Pontellier, the protagonist of Kate Chopin's novel 'The Awakening',

is a young woman of late 1800s who struggles to find her true self in a world where society already has her life planned out. The Awakening shows beginning of Edna's rebelliousness, to try and pursue life she has always wanted. We see Edna struggling to manage her role as a mother woman, or just married woman in general. She refuses to accept what society wants her to be and looks up to other free ladies, who have no relationships or kids, just working on their dreams. However, Edna's actions create confusion, as we are unable to see clearly how she is throughout her transitions, which makes us wonder "Who is Edna Pontellier, really?"

Edna Pontellier

Extraversion or Introversion?

E or I


Edna Pontellier is

Extraversion Introversion



center of attention





does not seek attention



Extraversion indicates being outgoing, enjoying spending time with people and energetic.

Introversion indicates not seeking attention, being quiet, reserved, reflective and observant.

Edna Pontellier is an introvert.



Edna was never the center of attention. Her desires and dreams

were always hidden, and never talked about. Kate Chopin states,

"At a very early period she had apprehended instinctively the dual

life—that outward existence which conforms, the inward life which

questions." (18) This shows how closed up - reserved Edna was,

that since she was little she was secretive, keeping her true feelings to

herself, afraid of society. It shows that Edna is able to look back, carefully

reflect on her experiences and understanding what her life has come to be.

Also, in the novel it states," It seemed to free her of a responsibility which she

had blindly assumed and for which Fate had not fitted her. Edna did not reveal

so much as all this to Madame Ratignolle that summer day when they sat with

faces turned to the sea." (Chopin, 23) This shows how Edna avoided expressing her

feelings, she enjoyed the peace of the sea - without her children, away with freedom

to think and take pleasure of calm environment.




S or N


Edna Pontellier is

Sensing or Intuitive

pays attention

relies on past experiences


"lives in the present"

trusts the facts

finds deeper meaning

values inspiration

uses imagination


thinks of better tomorrow


Sensing indicates paying attention to reality and being concerned about what is happening at the moment.

Intuition indicates being able to understand, using imagination and believing in better tomorrow.

Edna Pontellier is sensing.


Throughout the book we see Edna realize how unsatisfied she is with her marriage and life in general. She learned to live in a moment and does not see further in future, however, she relies on her past experiences. Kate Chopin states, "She was a grown young woman when she was overtaken by what she supposed to be the climax of her fate. It was when the face and figure of a great tragedian began to haunt her imagination and stir her senses. The persistence of the infatuation lent it an aspect of genuineness. The hopelessness of it colored it with the lofty tones of a great passion."(22) This shows that at young age, Edna knew how her life will look like, how much she will struggle with her imagination and desires, like she did before. In the novel, it also states, "The very first chords which Mademoiselle Reisz struck upon the piano sent a keen tremor down Mrs. Pontellier’s spinal column. It was not the first time she had heard an artist at the piano. Perhaps it was the first time she was ready, perhaps the first time her being was tempered to take an impress of the abiding truth." (Chopin, 30). This shows how Edna is touched by the music Mademoiselle Reisz is playing, and how it makes her feel. It proves that Edna is very punctilious, and the song has deeper meaning to her.




T or F


Edna Pontellier is

Thinking or Feeling


judge others based on facts




follow their heart



judge others based on


make decision based on personal values


Thinkers make decisions rationally based on facts and objective criteria, and use logical analysis to solve problems.

Feelers pay attention to their own moral compass and feelings to determine right from wrong, and are less interested in the cold, hard facts.

Edna Pontellier is a feeling person.


Even though she struggles making decisions, and worries what her husband will say and how will he react. However, we see Edna judging Roberts decision on leaving to Mexico because of her feelings. In the novel, it states, “"Impossible!” she exclaimed. “How can a person start off from Grand Isle to Mexico at a moment’s notice, as if he were going over to Klein’s or to the wharf or down to the beach?”(Chopin, 46). This shows that Edna is unable to understand Robert's decision, and her feelings are against him leaving. She judges him right away. Kate Chopin also states, "“Nothing. I simply felt like going out, and I went out.”

“Well, I hope you left some suitable excuse,” said her husband, some- what appeased, as he added a dash of cayenne pepper to the soup.

“No, I left no excuse. I told Joe to say I was out, that was all.”"(55) This shows that Edna does as she feels and makes decisions based on her own values, not caring about how society expects her to behave and think.




J or P


Edna Pontellier is

Judging or Perceiving


respects deadlines

keeps everything

under control

prefers everything in order

decision maker




open to new




Judgers make sure to live in structured, organized and carefully calibrated way, creating short- and long-term plans to help them achieve their goals.

Perceivers approach life and a freewheeling, spontaneous way, preferring to keep their options open than make a clear plan of action.

Edna Pontellier is percieving.


Edna Pontellier does not have actual plans on how to pursue her Awakening. She just does what feels good at the moment, making it spontaneous. In the novel it states, "The fish was scorched. Mr. Pontellier would not touch it. Edna said she did not mind a little scorched taste. The roast was in some way not to his fancy, and he did not like the manner in which the vegetables were served." (Chopin, 56) This shows that Edna is flexible, she does not care to be bothered by a little schorched taste, which proves she is fine with anything - does not have to make any decisions. In the novel, it also states, " “I feel like painting,” answered Edna. “Perhaps I shan’t always feel like it.”" (Chopin, 62)This shows that Edna's desire for painting might not be forever, and she might change her mind. She wants to have freedom to choose what she wants to do in life, and knows that her choices might change later on.



Based on my analysis, Edna's Personality type is ISFP, making

Edna sensitive, nurturing, flexible and quiet. Edna is an introvert, staying close to only people she knows and trying to avoid crowds. Edna is sensing, she lives her life the way she did when she was a teenager, hiding her true feelings. Even though she is more comfortable (rebellious) now, she still pays attention to small details, as she pursues her awakening. Edna is a feeler, even though it can be said she does not care much about her family. Edna makes her decisions based on her feelings and chooses to do things that are important to her, like art. Lastly, Edna is a perciver because of the way how she approaches life, spountaneously, not being in rush to make any sudden decision. All of these traits make Edna The Artist.

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