Islamic Culture and Civilization
Group Members
Shehrbano Pitaffi
Muhammad Amlish Anwar
Kashaf Humayun
Basic concepts of Islamic Culture and Civilization
Basic Concept of Islamic Culture and Civilization
Islamic Culture
- Everything about Human Community.
- Knowledge,Belief and Practices.
- Practices Developed around Islam.
- Quranic and Non-Quranic.
islamic Culture
Islamic Culture
Culture is everything about a Human Community, knowledge, belief and practices.
It includesall the practices which have developed around the religion of islam. It includes quranic for instance prayer(salah)and non quranic (which are not against islamic rulings)
islamic civilization
Islamic civilization
- started in 610 AD
- inspired arabs and nonarabs
- muslims had liberated an area by 750 AD
- trade science and culture thrived in this islamic state
Aghanistan to sourthern spain
Historical Development.
Historical developement of Islamic culture and civilization
- Prophet(S.A.W) time formative period of Islam (under 4 righteous Caliphs)
- Classical Period of Islam.
- Medieval Period of Islam.
- The ottoman Empire.
- Conquest of Anatolia.
- Destruction of Byzantium and colonization of Eastern Europe.
- Pre Modern Period of Islam.
- European Recovery and Colonization
- The modern period of Islam.
- Based on Islamic Faith.
- Man’s Precedence.
- Generous Civilization.
- Well balanced Civilization.
- Perennial Civilization (permanence)
- Art and Architecture.
- Muslim Custom and Traditions.
Characteristics of islamic culture and civilization
Contemporary Issue
islamic culture and civiliation and contemporary issues
- Misconception about islam.
- Western Economic Model .
- Lack of Awareness.
- Secular Mindset.
Relationship of Muslims with Non-Muslims
Relationship of Muslims with Non Muslims
- Religion of Peace.
- Tolerance
- Islamic State