Korematsu v. United States (1944)
Hector Ayon, John Zimmerman
- living in Oakland when arrested
- Parents are from japan
- Parents turned themselves in
- He got plastic surgery
What happened
- Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941
- FDR signed a bill to relocate Japanese Americans.
- Korematsu decided to stay put
- He was arrested and convicted for violating the order
What Happened
- Korematsu argues order 9066 violated his 5th amendment
- U.S. argued that Korematsu violated military orders
- U.S military beloved Japaneses-Americans loyalties where with japan
- U.S. also argued it was to protect the west coast
Result of Case
- Supreme court upheld his conviction
- Korematsu violated orders.
- Korematsu ended up in an internment camp
- 1983 decision was overruled
Results of case
Our opinions
Our Opinions
- Most were U.S. citizens
- U.S. has a duty to protect Citizens
- The U.S. did what germans did we just treated them better