Capreesandy Anton
Christal Chong Siau Teng
Elisheeba Gloria Herbert
- The output hypothesis states that language learners will pay attention to phrases when they can attach meaning to them.
- The act of speaking or writing under certain conditions makes up the process of SLA.
- Speaking the language is different than understanding the language.
comprehensible output hypothesis
What is it?
- Learning takes place when a learner encounters a gap (fissure) in his/her linguistic knowledge of L2.
- The learner becomes aware and may be able to modify his output and finally learns something new about the language.
Student acquires language when..
1. Attempt to transmit message but fail
2. Student tries again
3. Student are able to utter the correct form
4. Conversational partner will understand
5. Student acquires new form that they have produced
3 specific functions of output?
1. The Noticing
2. The Hypothesis-testing function
3. The Metalinguistic
- Learner realizes what they do not know or only partially know.
- They know what they want to say but are unable to communicate it.
- This is done through practice, verbally communicating in L2 in the classroom
The Hypothesis-testing Function
2. hypothesis-testing function
- It is when the learner provides statement realizing that the grammar is not a always correct and they receive feedback in order to improve.
- This enables the learner to improve their grammar through interaction within the classroom.
3. metalinguistic function
- The learner reflects upon the language learned and the output enables them to control and internalize their linguistic knowledge.
- Thus, the students should be able to internally reflect on what they have learned.
Even the Avengers
use the Output hypothesis!
"sometimes, under some conditions, output facilitates sla in ways that are different form, or enhance, those of input."
- She does not claim that (Comprehensible Output) CO is responsible for our language competence.
- For Swain, constant practice facilitates the learner to be conscious of his/her production.
Feedback is important
- One of the few settings in which students have a contact to target language
- They need advices and corrections for improving their production.
advantages in language classroom
- The collaboration and interaction are necessary for students to feel comfortable and work together.
- Language in this case will serve as a mediating tool, which allows students to lead with the problem-solving process they encounter in the path of acquiring the SL.