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Diversity Timeline

ESOL 322

Jayden Sherer

Diversity in








Febuary 3, 2000

Life Event 1

Life Event


In 2007 I was 7 years old and in the first grade. A girl named Monica transferred to my school and I quickly became friends with her. This was my first encounter with diversity. I knew that Monica and I looked a little different, but it did not keep me from being friends with her. Monica was Hispanic and I remember enjoying when Monica would tell me about her family, and I would tell her about mine. We had different family traditions and ate different food. However, our differences did not change our friendship.

Life Event 2

Life Event 2

In 2018, I was 18 years old and had just graduated high school. My friends and I went on a graduation trip to California. When we got there, we went shopping. I saw a young girl who was around 8 years old, and she looked like she was lost. I asked her if she needed help finding her parents, but she looked confused and did not respond to me. I realized that she did not speak English. I then took her to the security officers at the mall and waited there with her until she was reunited with her parents. This taught me about diversity by helping me realize that just because we cannot communicate through words with some people, we can still help them through our actions.

Life Event 3

Life Event 3

In 2020 I was 20 years old and went on a cruise to Mexico. Soon after arriving I realized that Mexico is very diverse. There were many different races and languages spoken. I enjoyed learning about the different cultures and trying different foods. This trip gave me a lot of knowledge about diversity that I did not have before. I talked to a local man there that told me that Mexico is one of the most diverse countries in the world. I hope to use the knowledge I learned while in Mexico to teach students about other cultures.

Diversity in 2022

In today’s society, diversity is appreciated more than it was in the past. We are advancing as a society by being eager to provide equity to a broad variety of students. Today’s society says that no one should be discriminated against based on their culture, ethnicity, family structure, intelligence, language, learning style preference, race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic level, and special needs. Whereas, in the past, people were discriminated against. As a future educator, it is a goal of mine to teach diversity in a positive manner and provide education for diverse students.

Diversity in 2022

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