Cultural Sensitivity
Dr. Michael Romas
Chris Brady
Cultural Sensitivity
Cultural Sensitivity
- Cultural differences are inevitable in today's world.
- Cultures are not always homogenous, as each individual has different factors influencing their lifestyle.
- Approach everyone you encounter with a general sensitivity and awareness of potential differences.
Keep an Open Mind
Keep an Open Mind
- Culture is not always based on an externally visible characteristic
- Be mindful of potentially stereotyping based on external appearance
- Verbal Communication
- Language barrier/accent
- Use of slang terms
- Non-verbal Communication
- Physicality
- Body language
- Personal space
Recognizing Bias
Recognizing Bias
- Have you ever said the following?
- "People from ____________ country are…"
- "It has nothing to do with a cultural issue"
- "It's really hard to work with _____________ people because…."
Developmental Model
Developmental Model