additional information on classical conditioning in education
Ivan Pavlov and
Classical conditioning
Incorporating classical conditioning in the classroom
biographical information
- Name- Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
- Born- September 14, 1849, Died- February 27, 1936
- Born in Russia
- Studied at the church school in Ryazan followed by attending theology seminary
- Heavily influenced by D.I. Pisarev (Russian literary critic) & I.M. Schenor (known as the father of Russian physiology)
- Left a career in religion to study science
Pavlov's early work
- Focused on studying the functions of the body
- Completed extensive research on the physiology of the circulatory system, blood pressure and digestion
- Became a successful surgeon
- Around 1930, began studying the secretory system of the digestion; also began studying this in dogs
Classical conditioning defined
Process by which a naturally occuring stimulus is paired with a stimulus in the environment.
Discovery of classical conditioning
- Pavlov discovered classical conditioning while studying gastrointestional secretions in dogs
- Noted how the dogs reaction toward food changed
- Observed the evolution of these reactions
- Initally, the dogs would salivate when food was placed in front of them, but this changed over time
Process of classical conditioning
Process of classical conditioning
- Knew that dogs would salivate when food was placed in front of them
- Noticed that dogs began to salivate when stimulated by anything that they associated with food (ex: Pavlov's assistant's footsteps)
- Began experimenting with using a bell as a indication of food and dogs soon began to salivate when the bell rang
results of classical conditioning
Results of Classical conditioning
- The conclusion of Pavlov's research resulted in knowing how learning by association works.
- This also helped better understand behavior and how to create desired behaviors (behavior reconditioning).
Pavlov's awards and recognitions
pavlov's Awards and Recognitions
- Noble Prize winner for Physiology or Medicine (1904)
- Elected Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1907)
- Honorary doctorate at Cambridge University (1912)
- Order of the Legion of Honour (1915)
classical conditioning and education
Classical conditioning and education
- Classical Conditioning can be used in the classroom to create a positive classroom environment.
- This can help students learn desired reaction based on a stimuli.
- Can help with classroom management and environment.
Incorporating classical conditioning in the classroom
incorporating classical conditioning in the classroom
Here are some examples of how educators can incorporate Classical Conditioning methods in the classroom:
- Teacher claps 3 times and students clap 3 times and become quiet
- Use of bell or call and response method to gain class' attention
- Rewards for positive behaviors (ticket system, treasure box, etc.)
classical conditioning in education
A&E Networks Television. (2021, November 9). Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. Retrieved September 14, 2022, from
Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). Opposition to communism of Ivan Pavlov. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved September 14, 2022, from
jfo5178, A. (2019, November 18). Classical conditioning in the classroom. Intro Psych Blog F19Group 7. Retrieved September 14, 2022, from
The nobel prize in physiology or medicine 1904. (n.d.). Retrieved September 14, 2022, from