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Minden eddiginél gyorsabban finomíthatja, fejlesztheti és szabhatja testre tartalmait, találhat releváns képeket, illetve szerkesztheti vizuális elemeit.
Népszerű keresések
Grades: 10-11
Duration: 5 days
Environmental Migrants: The Where, How, and What Will Be.
This Prezi presentation has adapted The New York Times’ lesson plan, Climate Change and the People Already Harmed by It.
Activities have been added to it to round out student engagement and provide a
final project.
The unit has students analyze the effects of the climate crisis on people by looking closely at the lives of climate refugees and the economic, ecological, and social impacts they are making.
Standards: Standards CCSS: RI.9-10.4; RI.9-10.7
Click here to see the unit guide:
We have all likely heard and perhaps even studied climate change.
To prime your mind, with a partner, list as many of the effects of climate change as you can in 2 minutes.
Ready, set, go!
Climate Crisis
What is often left out of the conversations on the climate crisis?
But just how many people are displaced by the climate crisis?
As of 2017, there were:
579 million
North America
741.4 million
4.5 billion
With a partner, make a prediction about what percentage of the total number of people on the planet were displaced in one way or another because of climate change.
Think through your reasoning since you will need to explain how you came to the number. Informed guessing is allowed.
Just randomly guessing isn’t allowed.
327 million
United States
1.2 billion
24.6 million
422.5 million
South America
7.53 billion
people on the planet.
Let’s take a closer look at the numbers.
Go to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre’s site.
Review the various graphs closely to answer the following questions:
In what geographical areas of the
world are people usually displaced?
What are the top three causes?
What's your estimate of the number
of people displaced by climate change?
What is your reasoning? How are
you coming up with that number?
How does the number you came up with compare to your original estimate?
Exact Number
It is hard to determine how many people have been affected by the climate crisis because displacement might be caused by any number of things, such as war, famine, poverty, and political turmoil.
But oftentimes, these issues arise because of climate change.
Mass Migration
Even without an exact estimate, we know what the repercussions of mass migration look like.
Your group will read and report on the findings.
Another group will have the same section, and you will each have time to present and add to each others’ reporting.
Click here for the reading:
Alone, with a partner, or with a group, read "Social and economic impact of large refugee populations on host developing countries" from the UN Refugee Agency.
We will look at this reading based on the various impacts and responses.
You'll be assigned a portion of the article to read. Access it here:
Analyze the reading according to the four domains below:
Economic Impact
Social Impact
Impact on Ecology and Infrastructure
Homework or
In-Class Group
Read - The Gathering Storm: Climate Change, Security, and Conflict.
Read - How a Warming Planet Drives Human Migration.
Both readings illustrate how the climate crisis is connected to violence and political upheaval.
How do these takeaways connect to the economic, ecological/infrastructure, and social impacts discussed in the report from the UN above? Be specific.
List two takeaways and four supporting details from the readings.
The goal of this section is dive into case studies of how environmental migration occurs and its repercussions.
We will analyze each reading for economic, ecological/infrastructure, and social impacts.
Carbon's Casualties
Your case studies come from the New York Times series Carbon's Casualties.
Work alone or as part of a team. Choose a location.
Resettling China’s
Ecological Migrants
A Remote Pacific Nation, Threatened by Rising Seas
A Wrenching Choice for Alaska Towns in the Path of Climate Change
Climate Change Claims a Lake, and an Identity
Heat, Hunger, and War Force Africans Onto a ‘Road on Fire’
Living in China’s Expanding Desert
As you read, answer:
How has global climate change affected the local climate and geography of the region discussed in your article?
How have these changes affected
the people living there?
How have the people tried to adapt
to climate change’s effects?
What do these images show? Which image is the most powerful? Describe it and discuss what makes it an effective image.
Why is this story important
for the world to know?
As our final project, you will contribute to our collective global annotated map on Google.
Select a location you haven’t read about previously. The site you select should be impacted by climate change to the point that it is causing environmental migrations.
The report should have paragraphs on the following:
A description about the environmental impact. What environmental issue is occurring at this location?
An explanation of the impact it is having on
the people. How are the people responding?
One good Image of the site that illustrates its issues with the environment.
Write an explanation of why the image was selected and what it represents.
An overview of where they are moving (if at all) and the economic, ecological, and social impact it is having on the main country to which they are moving.
What is happening as a result of the migration in their new home? How are they being received and making a new life?
Cite the sources of the photos and the resources you used. Find at least three sources for your report.
(See me if you are having an issue finding materials.)
Time to Pin it Up
In either our collective
Google map or the class map.
Pin the origin country location, and add the description, explanation and image to the class’s Google map.
(#1, 2, and 4 in the directions)
Pin the host country location and add the overview of the impact statement to the map.
(#3 in the directions)
Your Country
Present a 5-minute overview of your country and its climate refugees.
Describe the condition caused
by climate change.
Explain what is happening to its people from an economic, ecological, and social standpoint in their new location.
Given what you have learned about the climate crisis and its impact on humans, pair up and create a PREZI PRESENTATION or PREZI VIDEO that illustrates what you have learned. Here are some helpful links to learn how.
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Get started with Prezi Video
1. Choose a topic.
2. Research the topic, finding five sources.
3. Create a Prezi presentation or video with information on your topic.