The Marketing Virtuosos, LLC
Subprime & BHPH Market Capture
These new social media platforms provide for the most POWERFUL targeted advertising so that you can target your IDEAL customer and only pay to generate these leads!
- Who is your best Customer?
- What TV Shows do they watch?
- What music do they listen to?
- What places do they eat at?
- What's their age, gender, income?
- Have they had any repossessions in the past year? or ever?
- Have they experienced bankruptcy? or divorce?
Finding Your Ideal Customer
Powerful Targeting
In the last 12 months, what has been the promo that has gotten you the most customers?
Do you guys have a library of videos and images that we use in the campaign?
Which post of yours got the most engagement on your Facebook page?
Extremely Impressive Results
Instantly Start the Conversation in Messenger
the Click
The BIGGEST Mistake!
BIGGEST Mistake!
Don't Send to Website!
24/7 Salesmen
Automated Conversation that qualifies the leads and makes it extremely easy for them.
No big scary hard-pull financing forms
Your Personalized
24/7 Salesmen
More Than
More Effective!
Website Financing Form
the Experience
What qualifying questions would you ask your buyer to make sure they're serious about buying a car?
What questions would you ask a prospective buyer to qualify them?
What would having this information do for your time?
What Info matters?
What Info matters
How soon are they looking to purchase?
The Email Lead Notification
This is INSTANTLY sent straight into your inbox for SPEEDY followup.
(within 10 min during business hours for best results)
Who should we send this email to?
Who is your best salesmen?
The Lead
Why Speedy Followup Matters
~Speed Kills~
The Followup
You Lose your TRUST!
What Happens When You Don't Follow Up FAST
We told them we are going to Follow Up with Them Soon!
The Expectations Set in the Conversation
For the people who don't complete the conversation
For the people who don't finish...
Followup Immediately!
Enable Push Notifications on the Facebook Pages Manager App on Mobile to immediately get notified when a conversation starts!
The Celebrity Effect
Re-targeting Ads
& Voice Broadcasts
Emails, Texts, and Voice Broadcasts
Google Sheets
Where the Leads Go
Inbound Conversations!
What to
Indianapolis Q3
Detroit Stats
CPL (Cost Per Lead) = $4.41
Leads = 110
Detroit Stats
Consistent Results
Take Control of your Sales!
Results Month After Month
People hear about you and proactively reach out!
Long-Term Branding Effects
That pretty much covers what we would like to build for you
What Do you Think?
What do you think?
What would this do for your business?
How Soon are you looking to start getting leads for your business?
Getting Started
1) Complete the Invoice
2) Connect your Page
3) Set Up Ad Account Billing
4) Set Date for Pre-Launch Meeting
No Getting Locked Into Long-Term Contracts
Especially before you know how well they work!
No Long-Term Contracts
No 10K Upfront for a billboard
No $8K Year Long Radio Contract
Easy, Transparent Pricing
Like the Gas Pedal where you can simply press down farther and use more gas to go faster
It's like a Gas Pedal
You can spend more money per day and get more traffic, leads and customers
If it costs $5 per Lead
Remember this Ad?
- $10/day = 2 Leads
- $25/day = 5 Leads
- $100/day = 20 Leads
- etc.
Our job is to find the right "speed limit" for your business
Accept Our Request
1) Tell us your page name or send us the URL
2) Go to Your Page's Settings
Connecting Your Page
3) Go to the "Page Roles" section
4) Accept Our Request in this Section from "The Marketing Virtuosos"
Setting Up Your Ad Account
This is Where We Set You Up so that you get billed from Facebook
Paying Facebook Directly
This gives you Transparency
Helps Us Manage Your Account Efficiently and keeps your other campaigns separate for clear results
Do you have any place where you store your content that we can leverage?
Creation, Set Up & Launch
- Typical Creation, Setup & Launch Times are 4-7 Days
Time to Create, Setup & Launch
- Pre-Launch Meeting to verify the Ad