The Last Days of Wandering
Moses & OT Law - Lesson 18
- We can positively or negatively impact the lives of those around us for generations
- God holds leaders to a higher standard
- No one is "exempt" from God's judgment
- The end does not justify the means
- God uses imperfect people to accomplish his purposes
- It is acceptable to acknowledge the difficulties we may face in life. It is NOT acceptable to blame God or innocent parties for those difficulties.
- The bronze serpent was God’s means of salvation for the Israelites who were bitten by the serpents in the wilderness. Jesus Christ crucified is God’s means of salvation for everyone who has been bitten by the deadly venom of sin in the wilderness of this fallen world.
- Without God on our side, we are fighting a losing battle
- When we are in a right relationship with God, our we overcome our battles
- We have victory secured through Christ, but we still must take action and fight the battle.