Congruent Figures and Triangles
What are Congruent Figures
Congruent Figures are shapes that have the same size and shape, they have the same area and are identical in every way however they can be rotated, the symbol to signify congruence is
How to Solve Congruent Figures
Congruent figures are identical to each other, you can find out if something is congruent by comparing the length of each side and each angle to one another, if they are the same they are congruent.
Congruent Figures and triangles can both be rotated differently to each other, when this happens the shapes still remain congruent.
Congruent Figures and Triangles are also able to be reflected, this means that the shape has been mirrored/inverted to the other side of the relecting plane
What Are Congruent Triangles
What are Congruent Triangles
Similar to Congruent Figures, Congruent Triangles are Identical to each other, the difference between the two is that to solve congruent triangles you use the four tests insted
How to Solve Congruent Triangle
How to Solve Congruent Triangles
Solving Congruent Triangles is different to figures because to solve them, you have to use the four types of tests which consist of SSS, SAS, AAS and RHS
SSS Test
SSS stands for side, side, side, this means that the pair of congruent triangles have 3 different pairs of identical lines identified by parrellel lines.
SAS Test
SAS stands for side, angle, side which tells us that the congruent triangles have two identical sides and one identical angle
AAS relays that the congruent pairs of triangles has 2 identical sets of angles and one pair of identical sides.
RHS is a bit different to the others as it stands for right angle, hypotonuse, side instead of the usual angles and sides, these triangles have one pair of identical right-angles, hypotonuses and sides