Mental Health
in Prison
Faith Arsenault
ACE ENG Period. 5
Mrs. Stewart
The prison and rehabilitation punishment cause negative effect in the prisoner’s mental state in the United states America.
who: They are some prisoner in the US are not receiving the proper care.
what: It basically violating basic humans rights.
when: Its is happening right now.
where: Its happening the the US and mostly around the world.
why: There are basically not enough funding and worker abusing there power.
- They are 738,400 inmates in the US prison
- Approximately 20 percent of inmates in jails and 15 percent of inmates in state prisons have a serious mental illness (356,000 inmates with serious mental illness)
- They are 80,000 men in solitary confinement
Frank De Palma
- Frank De Palma spent 22 years in solitary confinement.
- He developed an mental illness Agoraphobia
- He went to psychologist on March 11, 2014
- He was realist in the real world in Feb. 2015
not enough programs
to help with people
- They are more on the punishing than the rehabilitation
- In 2014, amid mounting criticism and legal pressure, the Federal Bureau of Prisons imposed a new policy promising better care and oversight for inmates with mental-health issues.
- In New York, 21 percent of inmates are on the mental-health caseload
- Texas prisons provide treatment for roughly 20 percent.
Not enough funding
for the Mental Health
- In 2014, the bureau has lowered the number of inmates designated for higher care levels by more than 35 percent
- the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that about half of rural communities in the United States don’t have access to a psychologist, and 65 percent don’t have a psychiatrist.
- The combined number of suicides, suicide attempts and self-inflicted injuries have increased 18 percent from 2015
Proposed Solution
- Have government funding aiming for treatment for mental health
- Having programs to continue to help prisoner when they get out of prisons
- Get rid of solitary confinement
Proposed Solution
Funding Aiming for Treatment
- can cut unnecessary funding
- putting less money in punishment like solitary confinement
- putting funding having more mental health psychologist
Having programs
- creating a programs to help prisoners to come with coping with a problem
- to give them an help to buy medications and treatment
- having groups sessions with prisoners with the same illness
Get rid of solitary confinement
- Prisoners are all alone in a cell for most of the day
- have little to no human contact
- it a small inclose area with a possibility with no window
- usllay is forgot to give basic stuff that a human needs
Sustainable Outcomes
- having more people in the work field
- having to play less taxes for the jail system
- we have less people in the that we to keep in jail.
Sustainable Outcomes
having less people in prisons
- From March 2020 there are 738,400 inmates
- we can decrees that number if we provide programs
- we can pay less tax
having to pay less taxes pay the jail
- in 2018 we spend about $56 billion tax money on the Jail system
- putting the money to somewhere else like health care
having more people in the work field
- putting prisoner in the work field can lower the risk of returning to jail
- teaching them that you can earn money in a positive way
- making them feel like there more to life
Prison should be base on rehabilitation than the punishment part. To put more awareness in the mental health of prisoners.