Student Rights and Responsibilities
Students have the right to.......
Safe and Orderly Enviironment
- Attend School in a positive educational Environment
- Have school staff that are willing to hear their needs and concerns
- Feel safe from crime, violence, intimidation, bullying, harrassment, racism, and other discrimination (Discrimination is when a person is treated differently (not in a good way) because of some aspect of their identity.)
Students are Responsible for.....
- Engaging in behaviors which support a positive educational environment
- Expressing their needs and concerns appropriately
- Understanding and following school behavior expectations and to report instances of bullying and dangerous /unsafe situations to school staff
FUN Activities
Class acrostic poem for the word responsiblility
Use these ideas to creat activities to foster students complete understanding of their Rights and Responsibiities,
Use provided word search to have students identify/discuss important concepts.
Come up with your own extention activity for you students
Students have the Right to......
- be informed of school board policies and school rules about absences, makeup work and tardies.
- appeal decisions about make up work
- arrange to make up ALL work within 5 days of returning from an absence
Attending school and class everyday and to be ontime.
Providing documentation of the reason for an absence
Requesting make up work for an absence and arrange to complete it within 5 days of returning to school
Students are Responsible for....
Create a
- Kahoot (
- Quizziz (
- Blooket (
- Jeopardy (
These all would provide a fun way to review this information with Students
Allow Student to ask Questions to CLARIFY
Students have the right to...
Free Speech/ Expression
- Express views without being obscene, disruptive, discriminatory,or provocative
- Choose to participate in patriotic observances such as the Pledge of Allegiance
- Have religious beliefs resppected
- Help deevlop and distribute publications as part of the educational process
- Be protected from bullying, intimidation and threats.
Students are responsible for...
- respecting the rights of others when they express their views
Students are responsible for...
- Behaving respectfully during patriotic observances
Students are responsible for..
- Respecting the religious beliefs of othersand to refrain from activities that hold religious beliefs up to ridicule
Students are responsible for...
- Following the rules of responsible journalism under the guidance of an administrator, including refrainign from publishing material that is inappropriate for the school environment
Students are responsible for...
- Refraining from bullying, intimidating, and threatening conduct
Student have the right to........
- be informed about school guidance services
- have access to school counselors
- request counseling when needed
Student are Responsible for.....
- Utilizing guidance services for educational improvement
- Requesting counseling when needed
- Working cooperatively with school staff
Students Have the Right to....
Privacy and Property Rights
- have personal items remain private unless school staff have reason to believe that a student in in possession of items prohibited by the Code of Student Conduct, other school policy or the law, or as part of a CMS random search process
Students are Responsible for...
- Keeping prohibited items away from school and school functions