WW1: The War In The Colonies
Overall Facts
- Who: Great Britain, France, Belgium, Portugal
- Where: Pacific, Indonesia, China, Africa
- Outcome: The Central powers had to give up all their colonies
- Much less soldiers and war equipment
=> less and smaller fights
=> more agent missions and support of revolts
Smaller Locations
- Tsingtau
- Kaiser Wilhelmsland
- Togo
- Southafrica
- Kamerun
Smaller Locations
Allies: 210.000–240.000, losses: 18.626 soldiers and 44.572 carriers
losses: 15.037
East Africa
- The conflicts in East Africa lasted for the
entire war
- Very weak forces
- European officers
- Many carriers
The Askaris
- Recruited directly in Africa
=>Mainly by Germany
- Very loyal and brutal
- Legends gathered around them because of the fearlessness
- Took their families/their wives with them
Course Of The War
Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck
Course Of The War
- Battle of Tanga in 1914: Heavy losses for Great Britain
- For much of the time the german troops could hold back the British
=> the troops could be otherwise used for example in Europe
- In 1916: German East Africa was occupied by the British forces
- Much territories were pillaged in the end
- Hundreds of thousands africans died because of the devastation and burnt fields during the war in East Africa
- One of the greatest defeats in british military history
=> Shows again that the european great powers are vincible by african natives
- https://www.dhm.de/lemo/kapitel/erster-weltkrieg/kriegsverlauf/krieg-in-deutsch-ostafrika-1914-1918.html
- https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erster_Weltkrieg_au%C3%9Ferhalb_Europas#Kriegsschaupl%C3%A4tze_in_und_bei_den_deutschen_Kolonien
- https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erster_Weltkrieg_in_Ostafrika