Nursing Care
Plan Presentation
Dan Pham
James Troy Rodas
Eric Quildon
Damien Crest
- 24-year-old male professional athlete admitted to the hospital with acute respiratory distress syndrome
- Tested positive for COVID-19
- Placed on a ventilator for three weeks and has been moved to a rehabilitation center
- Has since tested negative, however, some symptoms persist
- Suffered from a grade 3 torn ankle ligament 2 years prior
Current Information
- Lengthy time on ventilator and inadequate therapy has caused severe complications
- Deteriorating physical health
- Incontinence
- Mood alterations
- Determined to regain his strength
- Lengthy process is causing a loss in faith
- Worries about his professional identity
Social/Support Systems
Social and Support Systems
- Prior to hospitalization, Damien lived with his parents and three siblings
- Eunice and Damien Senior Crest (emergency contact)
- Very social
- Close to his family
- Interacted with friends and teammates daily
- Relies on his nurse, personal support worker, and physiotherapist to care for him
Relevant To Care
- Stage 2 pressure injury on sacrum area
- Experiences severe complications
- Loss of lean muscle mass
- Overall weakness
- Difficulty breathing
- Foot drop on both feet
- Joint contractures in the ankles, knees, and hip
- Unable to independently perform activities
- ADLs, nutrition, hygiene, ambulation, elimination (incontinence)
- Is depressed with his current overall medical condition; experiences mood alterations
Information Relevant To Care
Assessment Data
Further Assessment Data
- Formerly diagnosed with acute respiratory distress syndrome and COVID-19
- Suffers from decreased flexibility
- Tires easily, especially during feeding
- Has vital signs taken regularly:
- Temperature, pulse, respiration (OD)
- O2 Saturation (OD)
- Blood pressure (OD)
- Pain Assessment (q shift/prn)
- Color, sensation, movement (prn)
Impaired mobility r/t
overall weakness, joint contractures, and foot drop
Nursing Diagnosis #1
Priority area of care: Mobility
Transient incontinence
r/t length on ventilator
Nursing Diagnosis #2
Priority area of care: Elimination
Impaired mobility r/t overall weakness, joint contractures, and foot drop
Impaired Mobility
Goal #1
Client will be able to ambulate and move freely without the presence of pain by the end of care
Priority #1
Priority #1
Impaired Mobility
- Requires assistance with feeding
- Becomes tired easily, lacks flexibility
- Provide assistance when necessary
- Ask what the client wants
- Meal setup
- Food tray nearby, open lids
- Requires assistance with bathing
- Encourage to perform ADLs whenever possible
- Be cautious around joint contractures
- Ankles, knees and hips
- Arms are unaffected
- Ankle previously had a torn ligament
Skin Integrity
Skin Integrity
- Pressure ulcer
- Reposition q2h
- Requires assistance repositioning
- Change antimicrobial dressing (OD)
- Washing the injury: soap, water, towel, basin
- Perform Pain Assessment, particularly around the sacrum area
- Perform additional assessments as needed (e.g., bilateral)
Range of Motion
- Passive ROM at first, as tolerated
- Until the client's condition improves
- Helps regain flexibility
- Active ROM afterwards
- Assess and perform when client is able to
- Helps regain physical strength
- Assist client with transfers
- Foot drop: brace - keeps feet in normal position
- Prevents plantar flexion
- Maintains proper alignment
- Joint contracture: cast/splint - protects and supports affected joints
- Ankle, knees, and hip
- Assistive devices
- Walker
- Cushions on chairs
Transient incontinence r/t length of time on ventilator
Transient Incontinence
Goal #2:
Client will be able to eliminate without incontinence by the end of care
Priority #2
Priority #2
Transient Incontinence
- Requires assistance with toileting -limited movement r/t joint contractures
- Support client in sitting-down movement
- Help with perinieal care: unable to reach areas
- Incontinence
- Change brief whenever soiled
- Provide assistive devices as needed
- Commode, urinal
Safety Factors
Nurse Safety Factors
- Appropriate PPE
- Gloves and gown when dealing with bodily fluids
- Client is no longer on isolation precautions
- COVID-19 safety guidelines
Body Mechanics
- Bed at the waist of tallest nurse
- Avoid overstretching/reaching
- Maintain an even balance
- Correct body alignment
Client Safety
Client Safety Factors
Risk For Falls
- Unsteady gait and overall weakness
- Requires walker
- Call bell placed nearby
- Fall Risk Assessment
General Factors
- Safety rails placed up
- Bed wheels locked
- HoB as low as possible
- Stage 2 pressure injury - Prevent shearing
- Cautious around nut allergy
- Assess the safety of the environment
Control Practices
Infection Control Practices
- Clean pressure injury with saline water
- Change incontinence brief frequently
- Whenever the brief is soiled or moist
- Antimicrobial dressing
- Covers the pressure injury
- Change daily
Further Assessments
- Pain Assessment
- Assess the effectiveness of Oxycontin
- Patient is said to be in constant pain
- Braden Scale
- Monitor and assess for alterations or worsening pain
- Respirations
- 10-20 breaths per minute is the normal range
- Improvement/deterioration?
- Assess ability to perform ADLs
Communication Strategies
Therapeutic Communication Approach
- Open-ended questions
- Use of active listening and silences
- Demonstrate compassion and understanding
- Provide opportunities to phone/video call families and friends
- Update on progress/care
Sensory deficits: N/A
Impaired Mobility
r/t Impaired Mobility
- Assess the client:
- Experiences less or no pain during movement
- Physical condition has improved
- Need for assistive devices
- If less or no longer dependent, this may indicate improvement
- Need for assistance
- If less or no assistance, this may indicate improvement
Transient Incontinence
r/t Transient Incontinence
- Assess the client:
- Is able to eliminate with less or no difficulty
- Is less or no longer dependent on incontinence briefs, urinal and commode
- Requires less or no assistance with toileting
- Demonstrates a consistent/daily elimination pattern
Dezube, R. (2020, February). Shortness of Breath - Lung and Airway Disorders. Merck Manuals Consumer Version.
Dugdale, D. (2020, May 30). Pressure Sores.
Editorial Staff. (2021, January 11). OxyContin vs. Oxycodone: Differences and Similarities. American Addiction Centers.
University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences. (2021). Muscle Contracture and Stiffening Symptoms: UPMC. UPMC Orthopaedic Care.