TOYOTA Management
Information System
Farid 441130039
Danial 441180023
- Advantages & Disadvantages
- Toyota Jiosha is the Japanese parent company.
- Headquarters located at Toyota City east of Nagoya Japan
- Largest automobile manufacturer on earth.
- started at 1933 as a division of the Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, Ltd.
- This great organization is founded by Toyoda Sakichi that released the 1st model AA sedan in 1936.
Business& background
- Major wreck during world war II that force to stop production .
- 1950 Toyota start to penetrate into the US market.
- By 1957 Toyota Motor sales USA Inc was established
- Toyota Comprehensive Warehouse Management System (Toyota WMS)
Advantages & Disadvantages
Advantages & Disadvantages of MIS
Learning Management
Warehouse Management System